Tuesday, February 9


I'm not always the mommy, or the wife, or the daugher, or the sister, or the friend that I want to be. I look in the mirror and think that I should really be so much more, to so many more, and yet there I am. I am just me. On my off-days, which I'm having today, I rake myself over the coals a lot.

I should do more fun things with James.
I should be reading more books to Rayya.
I should be cooking up better meals for Ryan, and being a better wife.
I should send my brother a care package.
I should write my mom a thank you note for all she does.
I should pray for this friend, that friend, those friends, invite them for lunch, make them a meal.

But I am just me. I can't do it all, though I want to. I can't make things perfect, but I try to. I can't fix everything, but I pretend to. I can't be everywhere, do everything... but I wish I could. I wish that every day could feel like a good day. I wish I could always go to God first, and let Him walk me through the bad days instead of just trying to push through them by myself. I wish I could always feel proud and good about myself, and what I've done. But I don't.
I lack joy sometimes. I lack peace a lot of the time. I lack patience most of the time. I lack kindness and goodness once in a while, and faithfulness sometimes. Today gentleness and self-control are particularly lacking. I feel inadequate. Do you ever feel like that? Where you just can't get it right?
Yes, it's a full blown pity party. Cry me a river. But I think it's the lack of sun, lack of warmth, lack of summer. I want summer! Summer, I miss you!


Christy said...
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Morgan said...

I've been feeling the exact same way lately, especially in the mom department. Haven't figured out how to dig out of it right now but not giving up either.