Thursday, February 11

Five Months - Rayya

My five month-old is truly a blessing. Rayya Katherine Faith is just a beautiful little creature. She is nearly happy all the time. I pretty much have all her cries figured out, so when she does cry, I can usually take care of it pretty quickly. When she cries, it is LOUD. Ryan keeps earplugs around, just in case. Rayya is rolling over now, though very rarely, from front to back, and sometimes from back to front. She keeps trying to scoot now, so I don't think we're too far away from seeing her attempting to crawl. She's had two tastes of rice cereal. The first one was very unsuccessful. I tried again two weeks later, and she seemed a lot more interested. She is a really good night sleeper, and that isn't to rub it in to anyone who currently has a kid who isn't. I've been in your shoes - it is PAINFUL to read about a good sleeper when your kid isn't sleeping well. I'll spare you all the details for that reason, and keep it at she sleeps well. Rayya loves her excersaucer now, and consistently spins one of the toys on it over and over again. She smiles at everyone, which is usually also accompanied by a whole tonne of drool. This kid is ALWAYS soaked. She nearly has her first two teeth - they are swollen, and trying to make their way out. This doesn't seem to bother her much, but she has had a few off nights lately and I wonder if it's teething. She loves to "talk", and often can be heard chattering to herself in her crib. She still loves diaper changes and baths, and being naked. Like her brother, she has pretty much no use for her soother, though she does like to start out the night and naptimes with it. Otherwise, the soother is just another toy to her. Her favourite things to play with are a Lamaze princess toy, a little stuffed bunny, and a Mexican rattle. That's all I can think of... I'm writing this with a splitting headache, so I wonder if it will make any sense when I read it back!


Trev and Rebekah said...

the pictures are cute. 5 months went by fast.

Amber said...

cute! i was happy to snuggle with her on wednesday for a little bit :) AND, reading about good sleepers is NOT painful to me, just so you know. I have never been one to cringe at the good things that other people are facing. I have encountered one too many people like that in life (who get jealous and despise other peoples happiness) and I really don't want to be one of those people. It doesn't look like any fun at all!

All that to say, I'm so glad Rayya is a good sleeper!!! She's precious!

Jobina said...

and here I keep thinking of her as a newborn!
I got Mark to come over and look at her pics with me...she's just SO cute!

Erica H said...

I'm with Amber. Brag all you want - ESPECIALLY since you've gone through a rough patch with sleeping before. I admit Annika was the best sleeper in the WORLD, she was utterly a dream in that department. But Britta...yikes...I won't even go there. We're just finally starting to get her to only get up once in the night (and she's almost a year old!). But I'm SO happy Rayya is sleeping so well for you. That truly is the biggest blessing (next to having a happy, healthy baby). :) Good for Rayya, and good for you, too, Heather!!! Thanks for the update!