Thursday, February 18


CAUTION: In this post there is a photo of human toddler fecal matter. Just warning you.
Playing dress-up and having a photoshoot in clothes knitted by my grandma.

The potty training is complete, however, when James poops, EVERYONE in the household has to come to see it. Grandpa Plett decided to bless us with a picture of one such viewing.

Good Mommy Moment: a fancy nightsnack.

Rayya tries out a cookie.

Haning out with grandma Kroeker.

James in some kind of snag.

And last but not least, one of those discoveries that makes me smile. I love being a mom!


Robin Fehr said...

I love Rayya's pink sweater! Very Cute! What a change from all of James' baby clothes eh?
Good job with the night-snack for James too! Wow.... you are your mother's daughter - eh? Ha ha!
Love it!

Trev and Rebekah said...

You are a wonderful mother and I miss you and the kids lots.
Yeah for potty training being over!