Tuesday, December 30

Back to the Beginning

This blog began back in October of 2005, just prior to the confirmation that Ryan and I were expecting our first baby. I carried that baby nearly to 15 weeks, finding out that we had lost it on this day, December 30th, 2006. We had been looking forward to the annual trip to Maui, and had delayed our departure by a few days from the rest of the family to attend a special family reunion. We never did end up at the family reunion, as were we scheduled for a D & C on that day, December 31st. The same day as the D & C, I was released to go home, and we decided to attend a small New Year's party at our friends' place. I was feeling pretty good, and we figured the company would likely help us cheer up. That was the night that I met Rebekah for the first time, and we've been friends ever since. So, despite the sadness in remembering our first little lost love, there is some happiness to the story. A day or two later we left for Maui, where I spent the entire vacation bleeding from the D & C, and therefore being reminded every day that I had lost a baby. It was a very emotional trip, but being here now actually makes it a little easier to bear. I do think about it though - and I appreciate those of you who took time to remember our first little lost baby, and sent encouraging emails. I really, really appreciate that. God bless you all in the coming New Year!


Janelle said...

i know telling you i love you x a million doesn't make everything better, or make the hurt of that memory go away...but i DO love you, and i DO know that God has amazing things planned for you in 2009. and i plan to keep walking this long road with you. because you keep walking it with me. you are one of my dearest friends. and i WISH I WAS IN MAUI with you today!!! :)

Trev and Rebekah said...

I appreciate you so much and I am so thankful that we met.