Tuesday, December 23


Hello everyone! We are so happy to have arrived safely here in Maui. Family members that were supposed to join us in a few days have had to cancel their trip. I guess the weather has been bad in Vancouver, and flights have been cancelled. Lucky for us that we managed to escape the bad weather! Unfortunately, I forgot to pack the cable for my camera (I have a card reader on my computer at home so I don't need the cable). So I have no way to post photos right now. The weather has been great, and we've basically just been trying to adjust to the 4 hour time difference. James spends most mornings after breakfast in the pool, and we've made some friends there. Then it's nap time, and mommy-gets-to-read-out-on-the-balcony-in-the-sun time. I love it! This afternoon will likely be back out at the pool or the beach. It's wonderful. I have felt your prayers, and there have been situations where I have needed them. There are many, many children, babies, pregnant women (including my dear sister-in-law) and the like all around me all the time. I have had moments of heartache, but more often I have felt blessed to share this very special time one-on-one with James. He is having so much fun - and I would miss it if I was taking care of a little one, or holed up in the hotel room being super pregnant. I'm am trying to just enjoy each moment, because I am so acutely aware of how precious these moments are with him. I had been worried too that seeing my sister-in-law pregnant would hurt my heart, as we were supposed to have our babies just a week apart. I haven't had any hurt over it at all. I am genuinely excited for them, and look forward to hearing about the new little family member that is coming. I am also trying to enjoy the fact that I can wear "normal" clothes, a two-piece bathing suit, run, and enjoy the heat. All these things would not have come so easily if I had been pregnant. So there is some good in the bad. Also, there is some excitement in the fact that our next baby could very well be conceived here in Hawaii. Wouldn't that be a nice souvenir?!


Trev and Rebekah said...

Glad you are having a good time.
Who couldn't join you?

Erica H said...

Glad you made it there safe and sound! How did james do in the plane? Enjoy your weather there, because it is crazy cold here in Minnesota/Manitoba!!! Oh, and we brought a little souvinier home from The Dominican 3 years ago...her name is Annika. ;) Hehe!

Lena said...

I love hawaii- I went there for my honeymoon and loved it. I am glad you are having a good time... It would be so neat if you conceived this cycle! Have fun in the sun for me ;)

Rena said...

looks beautiful! glad you're having a fantastic time - and on a side note - we found out we were pregnant with Anya after our trip to Maui in 2006 :)