Tuesday, April 1

A Rough Day

Today was a really good day for James and I. He has seemingly hit the "Terrible Twos" a little early, and has been testing my patience in a big way. I finally came to the conclusion that it was time for the hammer of discipline to come down, and that starting today I was taking no more attitude (this decision made after totally melting down yesterday). So far it's been working well. Along with the hammer of discipline was also the fact that I am no longer willing to rock James for his naps, and then end up having to sit there and hold him through the entire thing. Lately he has been waking up as soon as he is put down, and then crying if I don't hold him. Today was also the end of that, and he actually fell asleep on his own quite quickly.
Well, supper time rolled around, and I had to make a quick stop in the bathroom before making James supper. James followed me into the bathroom, and was complaining because he was hungry. As we turned to walk out of the bathroom, James tripped on a rug and hit his forehead on the corner of the wall. He fell hard, and his head caught the edge where the baseboards join at the bottom, which is a sharp corner. I didn't even look at the wound - I just picked him up and ran for ice. He was screaming, and blood was running into his eye. I took a look at the damage, and could tell right away that we would need to go to the hospital. I was home alone, so I called my mom to come and take us there. Just as she arrived, Ryan also showed up on the scene (almost a 1/2 hour earlier than normal), so he was able to take us. God has good timing! Anyway, my poor little guy ended up with 3 stitches. I warned the nurses that they were likely to see us again in the future. With the level of energy that James has, this type of thing is bound to happen often.
Just to prove that this is not an April Fool's joke, here is the photo proof.


Leslee said...

Ahhh...Poor dude. I had that happen to me with Taelin too...Visiting David Derksen in Winnipeg she falls and bangs her head on a cement step...I saw blood, picked her up, and ran right out in front of a car on my way to emerg...I AM a reactor...there is NO doubt about that! Glad to see they put steri strips on it...we seriously went back to the hospital the next day cause they only glued it and then didn't put the strips on!! It only gets easier after those first few bumps!! Hope he's feeling better very soon!

Dianna said...

oww poor dear. But it makes for the scrap books or memory books eh?

Trev and Rebekah said...

Sorry James that you had to go through that.
Heather, let's have a play date for the boys yet this week.

Wenona said...

Poor guy! Glad that things ended up well for you and that Ryan was able to take you to the hospital. Praying for you as you deal with a new phase in James' life!

Jamie said...

Ouchie! Poor James.
I have to add how grown up he is looking in that picture. His face is thinning out and he doesn't look like a baby anymore!

Nin said...

Oh Heather, you're awesome!
I had a huge ear to ear smile on my face as I read the first paragraph! (I must admit durring the second paragraph as well, as I remember how crazy it was when I went through that with my daughter)
Good for you! God will bless you and James for you standing up and walking in who God has commanded you to be as a mother! Ah! My heart is just so blessed! You are doing awesome, and He will give you ALL that you need to walk out this road of loving James FULLY.
Bless you bless you bless you! And Bless you for sharing openly that you're discipling your son, some many times we as moms are scared to share that (or aren't doing it at all), why is that?
Good on you and God bless your hammer! haha!

Drea said...

poor lil man! stitches arent fun! Caleb got his 1st TWO at age 2... and had another scare this past Christmas.. thankfully because of where it was it didnt require them... but he has an awful scar from where that was .. even worse than his stitched scar.(on his forehead, towards the temple)

Taite just had his 1st boo boo 2.. above the eyebrow. about 1/2 inch long. he had to have it BINDED SHUT with dura mond? like stitches but suppose to be less painful and help with scaring. He did good. Never fun tho..
so scary!

im glad hes ok tho!

Erica H said...

Poor guy. :( And poor momma. We had to move our coffee table out of our living room cause Annika would trip on the rug and go head first for the corners of the table! YIKES! Anyway, thinking of you, Heather. You're doing awesome!

patti said...

oh james...why must you scare mommy!

glad he's doing ok!

Janelle said...

oh i wish it HAD been an April Fool's joke!! i'm sorry sweetie! he still looks sooo cute with those bandages though! and it's true - this is probably NOT the last time he'll have accidents like this!! :)

-Me- said...

Ohhhhh..we found out all about head boo boos at our house last week too, but with Taylor not Noah...I'm sure that soon enough it will be with Noah also, though...boys seem to be 10 times as busy as girls, and it seems like Noah hurts himself at least once a day..I hope that James feels better soon :D