Wednesday, April 30

Reconciliation is Good

I met up with a friend this week whom I haven't connected with in a while. In the last year or so we had grown distant, and it was nice to catch up and enjoy a walk together. I hadn't intended on talking about the distance that had grown between us, but the moment came where it felt right to bring it up. I shared with her the circumstances for which I had sort of put her on the "back burner", and I told her that I missed her. I was somewhat expecting her to be angry, and to come back at me with hurtful words - not that she is that type of person, but that was what I believe Satan wanted me to think. Instead, she told me that she too was missing me, and that she had been feeling a little hurt over the fact that I had pulled away. I promised her that I was definately going to make sure that we would now reconnect. That reconciliation felt so incredibly good that I had to call her this morning and thank her for making it so easy! I was so proud of us for talking openly, with love and compassion, and above all - with maturity. I felt like I could feel God just smiling down on us, as two of His daughters made amends the way He would have wanted us to. It's been almost like a drug to me today - I just feel good inside.
Thank you Lord for friends. Thank you for the reconciliation I could have this week. Thank you that this is exactly what you have done for us.


Nin said...

I can relate....
It can be so scary to confront something that stands between two friends, especially if it's your own doing. But as your experience shows, God always blesses us when we walk in His will towards reconciliation. I'm so happy you and this friend were able to start fresh, may His face shine upon this friendship.

maresi said...

I agree, it is so so scary. One song that has always spurred me towards healing relationships is (aptly named) "Reconcile" by downhere, an awesome Christian rock band from your country. The lyrics are:

We've both been mistreated,
no wish to repeat this
You're sorry - you wonder
If ever I'll show you grace again

My vision is tunneled,
my motives, oh so rageful
But the mirror I'm reading
Says "forgive, and then forgive again"

Though there's a wrong
A grudge will tear us down
We wait too long, the air turns stale
Will we reconcile?
It's all we're needing... reconcile
It's all we're needing
to mend these broken smiles

Oh miserable me, miserable you
The walls erected between us
You keep your side, I'll not intrude

And we'll get used to this denial
Turn our heads and wait a while
Much too long, the air turns stale
Will we reconcile?

It's a great reminder of God continually allowing ourselves to be forgiven and reconcile with him. I'm glad you got a taste of that with your friend, and I'll pray for your friendship!

Janelle said...

i love reconciliation!!! i love repaired friendships!!
i just have some that i need to take that step in...still kinda afraid...
i'm excited for you Heather.
Our God is a good God.