Friday, April 25

Heather Recommends

The following is a list of books that our ladies Bible study group has taken over the years. Each of these books have been really amazing, and I just wanted to share with you a little bit about each one - and how it impacted me. Hopefully you'll be inspired to pick one up (or all of them), and grow a little bit in your walk with God.

It's Not About Me by Max Lucado

This book was great, not only because it is written by the ever-popular Max Lucado, but because it really reminded me of what our purpose is, and God's too. I came away from this book with better understanding of how ALL glory is to be given to God. Everything that happens here on Earth, be it good or bad, will be for the greater good of His kingdom. Knowing that, I have a lot more peace about things that happen in my life that are disappointing. Just knowing that it will have brought the greatest amount of glory to God's kingdom is encouraging.

Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer

Wow! This book challenged me in almost every chapter. I felt very convicted about my negative feelings, speech and thoughts. I'm still working on applying these things to my life, and it sure it noticeable how much better I feel!

Traveling Light by Max Lucado

If you were to choose any one of these books to read, let it be this one! This book changed my life, and also the lives of all the other women in my group. I've given this book as a gift, and recommend it highly. I don't want to give too much away, but just imagine the freedom of handing over everything that is burdening you to someone else. Wouldn't you feel great?! The truth is, if you can give even one of your burdens over to Christ, you will feel lighter.

Can You Hear Me? by Brad Jersak

Even though we are only on Chapter 2 of this book, I am still going to recommend it - because I am hooked! I am now a complete "listening prayer" addict, and God has been speaking loud and clear. It's been amazing, and I would love to see and hear more of you out there learn about hearing God's voice. If you have read it, I would love to hear what God has spoken to you.


Roo said...

i have the max l. book -- travelling light. such a good book. soooo good to be reminded. :)

Trail Rider said...

I read your last post on your miscarriage. I grieve for you too. It's such a process, as I'm realizing. May God heal you and give you all you need to grieve as you need to. Thinking and praying for you. (hugs)

tracydueck said...

have read traveling light, oh love it. currently reading the book with a radio on the cover, it deals with a topic i am very interested in; but i am not making enough time to read it.