Friday, April 4

Five of My Most Favourite People

I think it was about 4 years ago, back in the days that I worked with Robin at Country Graphics, that we decided to start a woman's Bible study group. The way it happened was that I wanted to be in a Bible study, but it wasn't something that my hubby was interested in doing. I asked a few of the young couples groups if I could join, but they all felt that it would be a little strange if I was there without my spouse. I came to work one morning very upset about it, and Robin, who was in a similar situation, said jokingly "Well, why don't we just start our own group?". At first it seemed funny, as neither of us would have labeled ourselves as leaders - and particularly not in a spiritual manner. As we discussed the idea further, we decided it would be in our best interest to spend time praying about it. The more we prayed, the better the idea became. Eventually we found ourselves praying that God would bring a strong and dynamic group of women together, a group of women who were looking to grow in faith.

We advertised with posters, and called up a few people who came to mind that might be interested. Gaining one "stranger", Amy, who responded to our poster, and two others, Sherisse, and Jeryn who were either friends of mine or Robin's, our little group was formed. This group was an immediate hit. The different backgrounds and diverse upbringings gave way to amazing discussions - the growth and learning was evident from day one. Not only that, but there was an emotional connection as well. Each girl came from a different church. It was put together by God so perfectly, Robin and I could hardly believe how He had blessed us.

Over the years women have left our group, and joined the group. Each time this has happened, it's been in God's perfect timing. Each member has always brought something special to the group, something that was needed and appreciated. When one would leave, their special gift to the group was and is remembered to this day.

For the past year and a half, to two years, the group has remained strong. These five women, Jamie, Jeryn, Sherisse, Rebekah and Robin, bless me in ways that I cannot even count. I find myself counting down the days until I get to spend time with them every-other Thursday evening. They make me laugh, they make me cry, but above all, they challenge me to grow in Christ, love Him more, better myself, and accept myself for who I am.

Girls, you are one of the biggest blessings in my life. I love all of you so very much, and I cherish each of you. Thank you for growing with me, and challenging me. Thank you for praying for me, and crying with me. Thank you for laughing with me, and humbling me. Thank you for being there when I need you, and allowing me to be me. Thank you for affirming me, and being honest with me. Thank you for showing your true selves, and for allowing me to show my true self. Thank you for letting Jesus shine through you, and for continuing to strive to shine more. Thank you for allowing me in, and encouraging me. God bless you girls, you are my sunshine.


Trev and Rebekah said...

Can I copy this post and put it on my blog? :0) I echo all that you said. This group is one I will deeply miss when I am gone.

Robin Fehr said...

Amen to all you said!
God has blessed us beyond measure.
Us girls gotta stick together!
Thanks for putting such a great post together, you're amazing!

Janelle said...

i just LOVE having special friends, and i thank God that He put these ladies in your life just when you needed them!! i love ya.

Erica H said...

Praise God for Christian fellowship! And what a great looking bunch you are! :)

tracydueck said...

seeing your group grow so strong over the years has also been a blessing to me. i certainly see the need for women to have the opportunity to meet and share their struggles and their joys together in a Christian setting. i realize this sounds dumb, but i am very proud of you and robin for going a head with this venture.