Wednesday, April 9

A First

Sadly, I did not capture one of James' "firsts" on camera today - but it sure was cute! He was outside for the first time in his rubber boots. As all boys are born with a natural inclination to be in water while wearing rubber boots, James was lead to the nearest puddle like a dog to a bone. He was very much enjoying this new adventure when suddenly he stepped into a part of the puddle that was much deeper than the rest. Wearing a pair of slip-ons I was unable to step into the water to aide him, and watched in despair (but mostly in amusement) as his boots filled up with water. This unfortunate event did not end there, as he immediately tried to run to me for comfort. However, being a novice in rubber boots, he was not able to lift his feet and tumbled backwards onto his bum into the water. He actually didn't scream as I thought he might, but rather just whimpered all the way back into the house. Once I reached the door though, I realized that he was whimpering to go BACK OUT. The cold water in his boots, soaking wet socks, pants and diaper didn't bother him in the least. All he wanted was back into that puddle! Well, I guess that will happen tomorrow. For now, his boots are drying on the vent and his pants and socks are in the dryer. I can't wipe the silly grin off my face as I think about this. I always knew that having a boy would be like this, but I never knew how fun it would be to see it unfolding before my eyes. My little baby boy just filled his boots with water... I couldn't be more happy!
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24


Jobina said...

Now give him a pail, a shovel and various small object that can hold water and see what he does! Trinity (my very girly tomboy) entertains herself for a long time making "soup" in a pail, or using a shovel to fill a pail with water, then she "waters" the nearby trees. It's great!

Gina said...

Ha ha that's great! I remember watching my friend's little guy in the puddles too and he could be entertained for hours! Have fun!!

Erica H said...

That is SO fun! Can't wait to see his second attempt in the puddles in pictures! :) I need to get Annika some rubber boots...I wonder what a GIRL would think of getting wet and muddy. :)

Trev and Rebekah said...

I wish Isaiah's boots fit better so they could play together

Amber said...

Aww, James' first booter!!! And I'm sure it won't be the last!

Just laughing at Erica...actually, believe it or not, some GIRLS like to play in puddles too. Couldn't keep Hailey away from them when she was younger and she still has to walk through them or jump in every bit of water she sees. Definitely not only a BOY thing.

Dianna said...

I'm constantly busy washing and drying my children's clothes and boots. Over and over and over again and again.....
Enjoy that precious time for it flies by just too quick