Wednesday, April 2

In Other News

So James isn't ALL bad, and he isn't ALWAYS getting injured... okay, at least not the point where he has to be taken to the hospital!
He has had a few other adventures recently too. One of these adventures happened at my mom's house. We popped in on her last week for an impromtu visit. James was running all over the house, so eventually we moved downstairs to play in the basement. We had been in the basement for almost a half hour when James suddenly spits something out onto the floor. It isn't entirely unusual for him to spit something out that he has found and put in his mouth, but it IS unusual when he spits out something that SPARKLES. There on the rug were my mom's diamond earrings! He had snatched them off her nightside table upstairs, and had them in his mouth for more than a half hour!
James also loves to help wash the dishes. I couldn't help but snap this cute photo of him helping daddy a couple of nights ago.
He also really enjoyed watching the women's World Curling Championships this past weekend. He doesn't really watch TV at all, even if I try to put something on for him. However, he really loved the curling - and gave us a good laugh when he started belting out "HARD", mimicking the ladies who were sweeping. He would also usually say "boom" after the rocks would hit.


Teri said...

awwww... that is cute, other than having the diamond earrings in his mouth! i'm glad he didn't swallow them! that would have been some pricey poop ;)

Nin said...

haha! I just love hearing your stories about James! Pricey poop....haha, that's awesome.
Nightstand, $80
Diamond earings, $250
James pooping out earrings from the nightstand?.....priceless.

Renee Shaw said...

Oh my gosh! haha I like what nin said...too funny! kids are crazy, they put everything in their mouth! At least he spat them out rather than swallowing! haha

Leslee said...