Thursday, May 1

A BIG Mistake

I decided that I was allowed to get a treat for myself at SuperStore yesterday. As I made my way through the aisles, I thought about what I wanted to treat myself with. At first I thought, "flip flops!". I went into the clothing section on the lookout for some new shoes. Sadly, there were no flip flops that interested me. Then I thought, "A book!". So I went to the book section, but didn't have the patience to look through all of them in hopes of finding something I'd like. And then it hit me! Following the leading of what could only be my "Aunt Flo is coming soon" hormone-induced craving, I found myself parked in front of the freezers. I'm not proud of what happened next, but it looked just like this...What a BIG mistake! This treat seems to be making frequent half-hour visits out of the freezer, as well as loosely being labelled "breakfast" and "lunch". In all honesty, I wasn't really concerned about the 290 calories per 125mL serving until I had polished off half the container - and realized that was about 250mL. This little wicked delight packs into one small pint a mix of both chocolate and vanilla ice cream, laced with brownies and chocolate chip cookie dough. Wow. It's amazing, actually. So thanks to Ben & Jerry for making me the happiest ate-too-much-ice cream-tummy-aching woman in town. I was bloated before the ice cream binge, but now I find myself having to crack open the fly on my jeans just to breath. Ick.
So if you are looking for a yummy treat today, don't delay! Get to your nearest Ben & Jerry's dealer and pick up a pint of Half Baked. Nothing would really make me feel better than knowing I have company in my gluttony. Enjoy!


kelly ens said...

i walked VERY slowly down the ice cream aisle at Superstore today, but did not stop. Merely because i have been indulging in every other aspect of the food world, and I know I don't want to gain a sick amount of weight this pregnancy. There's no 'working it off' when you're pregnant. After this baby arrives, I will most likely think back to this post and take a 'reward trip' to Superstore ;)
Thanks for the temptation!!!

Nin said...

I don't have much of a sweet tooth, so there's not much of a temptation here for me. However, start talking about chips fries and anything deep fried, and I'm so onboard.

Dianna said...

running.. totally running to the Superstore.. Meet you there! But I'll ditch the chocolate and dive for the cherry one

Brandi said...

That looks SO yummy - who can blame you for gorging yourself?! I have a turtles ice cream in my freezer that this post is tempting me to whip out :)

Renee Shaw said...

Oh Heather you are so funny! haha I haven't seen that, but I think I might be in love already! I love stuff like that!!!! Yum...craving it now.

Wenona said...

That is THE best flavour!! If I buy that I have to hide it from Phil because then it will be gone in record time. There's nothing like sitting down with a spoon in one hand and the ice cream container in the other...mmmmm!