Wednesday, March 26

Losing Isaiah

I'm having an emotional week dealing with the fact that my best friend Rebekah is leaving. For now it is only for a few months, but knowing her passion and her husband's passion for ministry, I am sort of assuming that it will eventually be a long-term goodbye.
Rebekah came into my life on the evening that we came home from the hospital after losing our first baby. Since then, she has been a friend through some of the most exciting, and some of the most heart-wrenching moments in my life. She was there when I found out I was pregnant. She has been there when I thought I might completely fall apart (all those millions of times a day). She was there... she has just always been there. She has really been a mentor to me in my faith. I can talk to her about absolutely everything, and I would trust her with anything.
I haven't given the label "best friend" to anyone in a very long time. My past is sort of filled with some painful memories of losing people that I had labelled my "best friend". I guess it's taken this long for those wounds to heal, and now that I've finally found a best friend again, I have to say goodbye. I've shed so many tears about it already, but at the same time I don't want to fall into self-pity. I really just want to challenge Rebekah to go forward and touch lives like she has touched mine. I want to be her prayer warrior, and biggest cheerleader. For all that she has done for me, I want to be there for her now. It's funny - I miss her and she isn't even gone yet.
Today James and I were on a walk around the yard, and I asked him where Isaiah's house was. He immediately began walking toward their house. I realized then that we won't be making that walk this summer... unless for some reason we know the people living in that house. It also made me realize that I'm not only losing Rebekah as my neighbour, but James is losing Isaiah! He might not know it now, but he will really miss having a neighbour so close to his own age to play with. My dreams of seeing them playing outside together are sort of fading now.
Have you ever had to say goodbye to your best friend? Have you ever wondered if someone could take their place? Who will I call 100 times a day? Who will I talk to about everything, and trust with my deepest, darkest secrets? Who will inspire me to love Jesus more every day? Can I trust myself to rely on God when I feel alone? I have so many questions, but I know I will perservere. Right now though, my heart is aching, and I dread the day that I officially say goodbye.


Anonymous said...

My best friend of ten years and I have been long distance BFFs for seven years now. Here's what you do:
-Get a good long distance phone plan
-Email often
-Send cards/gifts on special occasions or just for fun
-Cry every once in a while on the phone
-Every so often you start phone calls/emails/letters with "Can we go out for coffee right now? Because I reeeally need a date with you!"
-Take turns visiting each other for holidays that are never long enough.

It is hard to say goodbye. But I promise it gets easier.

Erica H said...

It sucks - bottom line. I had to say goodbye to TOO many people this last year. One of which was my best friends, Andrea and Brandi. They were my life lines in a lot of seemed I was doing something all the time with one or the other or with both, and then when we all 3 had baby girls within 8 months of each other - that made us even closer! I think you're doing all the right things. Something I appreciated the most with my girlfriends back in Manitoba (and still do) is their constant support in what I'm doing - ministry. AND knowing they're praying for me. We talk on the every so often, but I'll be honest, it isn't the same. Unfortunately, it will never be the same between you and Rebekah if she moves away for good. But you have such a great connection through Jesus, and through your prayer lives. I know exactly how you're feeling - only I was the "Rebekah". :) God will bring you someone, not to replace Rebekah, but someone who will bring out new and different things in your life. And I'll pray that that person will come into your life when you're ready...beacause I know - the last thing you want is a "new friend". I was the same way when I moved here - but now I'm thankful for my one good friend God has put before my path. Fully rely on God.

Trev and Rebekah said...

I will miss you more than you know.

Nin said...

I've been praying for you...can't imagine how hard this must be for you...
All I know for sure is that God will provide, just as He provided Rebekah.
I have much faith and hope that He will bring women into your life who will step in as your "big sister" and women who will need all the same things you needed back when Rebekah came into your life, and in your maturity and faithfulness in the Lord, you will be a Rebekah to them! Be confident that He who began a good work in you will carry it out to completion.
There nothing anyone can say to make this easier.....may God be your comfort as you grieve.
Will keep praying for you, am here for you.

Janelle said...

i am so sorry. i have loved seeing all of yours & rebekah's little notes to each other & seeing the huge friendship that has grown between you two. i pray that you will be able to continue the friendship & be the support/encouragement/friend that each of you needs even if it's from a distance!! i love you both.

Dianna said...

I'm sure it's hard. I'll be praying for you. God will place someone in your life not to replace Rebs but someone you can once again confide in and trust. He knows we all need friends like that. The little I know Reb [thru blogging] I've become attached to her also. And can't imagine how she must be in real life. She's so amazing thru the eyes of blogger friend. I check her blogs constantly for inspiration. She is an inspiration! I certainly feel for you dear.

Trev and Rebekah said...

I love that picture by the way. Any chance you could email me the original?

Sabrina said...


I echo your heart on missing Rebekah (and Isaiah!). Ken and I often reflect on what life is going to be like without them around, and it leaves my heart so sad. I can only imagine you will feel an even bigger void, as you two have had the privilege of being neighbors.

It has been neat to read and hear of how your friendship has grown, and how you have served to encourage each other in so many areas. What is particularly special to me is how you are sending her off with such blessing. While your heart may ache, it is beautiful to see your desire to be a prayer warrior and support for her while she's gone.

As someone who has many good girlfriends dispersed over the country, it is indeed possible to pick up with certain friends. I trust that you and Rebekah will be those kind of people whenever she's around.

Thinking of you as you get ready to say goodbye.


Nin said...

I've been thinking about you lots. How are you doing? Everytime I come here and see little James and Isaiah in your hubby's arms I'm saddened by the loss that's to come. Praying for you, praying God peace and comfort is with you today.