Tuesday, March 18

Sixteen Months (Early)

I know it isn't officially James' sixteen month birthday, but I thought I'd post while I have time. If I based my post on todays events alone, you would not get a very pretty picture. Today James has gotten hurt so many times, I can't even count. In a span of about five minutes, the following scene took place: I was preparing lunch, and James was very unhappy (probably just hungry). He was trying to push me away from the counter while I was working, and bumped his head on the cupboard knob. Crying ensued, and then finally was resolved when he found his blankie on the floor. Crying stops. He then proceeded to slip on blankie, banging his forehead and chin on the floor. Crying ensued, I put a small bowl of very warm (not hot) soup onto the table for James, and then went to cuddle the injured soul. Crying stops. I go to the counter to get my soup when I hear screaming! I turn around to see James' hand covered in very warm soup. The bowl was still on the table, in it's proper position, but soup was dripping off the side of the table. I don't know if he actually reached the soup, or just banged the table, but none-the-less the damage was done. I pick him up, and run cool water over his hand. Crying stops. I call my mom to ask her what I should put on it, in the meantime spraying stain remover onto James sleeper that I had just removed. Within seconds, James pulls the Huggies diaper wipes out of his diaper bag, steps on the container, slips, and falls hard onto his bum. Crying then ensued... seriously, this was just a few minutes out of an entire morning of similar scenarios.

On the brighter side, James has been a tonne of fun! He is talking a lot now, and has finally transitioned into eating table food. This has still be somewhat problematic, as he appears to have also transitioned into a fussy eater. He will only eat: bread, cheese, peas and corn, and noodles. But hey, it's a start. He got a set of alphabet books for his birthday, and is quite good at remembering what is on each page. He seems to know "owl", "flower" and "turtle" the best. Yesterday he discovered a new box filled with various sizes and brands of batteries. I let him play with them while I did some things on the computer. Later, then I came back into the room, I noticed that he had pulled out all the Duracell D size batteries and lined them up. What a smartie! He also loves hide-and-seek and going for walks in his new John Deer wagon. He also now knows the word "yacka" which is "jacket". He LOVES going outside, in the car, or even just into the porch to visit Kitty. He will often come to me now with his jacket, saying "yacka, car, bye bye" when he wants to go out. He is a complete joy - and just gets more fun every single day.


Elina said...

He is one seriously cute kid! Happy early 16 months James!

Leslee said...

What a little smartie pants!! And he is SOOO cute! Sounds like maybe he's going through a growth spurt...all that falling! It's such a good age! All the talking and exploring...I miss it, but being a mom to older kids has it's perks too...

Nin said...

aw! I love this post, it's so warm and fuzzy with mommy'ness.
Poor James!!! Daniel has mornings like that too sometimes....it's funny to see how things like that can change their mood. There are mornings he'll wake up all smiles and giggles, but then when he has a couple of falls in a row, he's a grump. I think to when i wake up and hurt myself, I'm then in a rotten mood for the next few hours. Little people seem to be the same.

Trev and Rebekah said...

James' messy orange face looks like Isaiah's did at lunch. I hope the boys have fun tonight.

Anonymous said...

I used to put the things the kids didn't like much on their tray first and then finish with the things they loved. This way possibly when they are hungry they will try new things. As they get older you can bargain and ask them to finish a couple of bites of what they are picky about and then give them all they want of the rest. Through experience I've found that if you can at least get them to try things it may become their favorite later.

Sorry no advice on the bumps and bruises. I have a seven year old that I am considering putting a helmut on for a month so that her poor head can heal.

Have fun in spring and take lots of pics!

Mrs. Stam said...

Wow he grown so much!!!!! IT was one of those day for you! hope you have a very nice day today!

Erica H said...

I love the pj's he's wearing! TOO CUTE! He seems so full of personality. I read your comment on my blog, and I agree - it WOULD be fun to get our (not so) little ones together! I think they'd have a blast with one another.