Tuesday, March 25

ESFJ - The Caregiver

"And above all, have fervent love for one another:
for love shall cover the multitude of sins."
~ Peter 4.8 ~
I just took a personality quiz today that almost COMPLETELY sums me up as a person! I was typed as an ESFJ, and I was amazed at how accurate it was. A friend of mine put me on to it, and it's really fun to see what other peoples personalities are. If you want, do the quiz and comment here with your personality. Let me know if you think it is accurate or not. Below is a brief outline of my type. What do you think, is it me?
ESFJ (Extravert, Sensor, Feeler, Judger):
People of this type tend to be: active, friendly, and energetic; outgoing, affectionate, and talkative; concerned about others and careful to be polite and cooperative; realistic, literal, and conscientious; highly sensitive and easily hurt; organized, responsible, and conventional.
The most important thing to ESFJs is their relationships and helping people in real, and practical ways.
To read all about the ESFJ personality in detail, click here.


Trev and Rebekah said...

Yep that's you. It sounds a lot like me too only I am not an extrovert. When I have some time I'll have to check it out. Does it take a long time to fill out?

Anonymous said...

No, it doesn't take long at all. It is actually only 4 questions, and for each one you choose one of two choices.

Nin said...

I've taken this test a couple of times, once in pre-marital counselling, and once not that long ago. This go around I got ISFJ. (back then I got something completely different, I guess my hubby has changed me alot haha.)
I go by a different personality thingy, there's 4 of them, Joyce Meyer has a teaching on them called understanding your mates personality. It's basically the same, only lumped into 4 instead of....how ever many types are in the myers-briggs one. There's sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and meloncholly (incase you're interested in reading up on those too)

Anonymous said...

I just saw your blog. I've been wanting to know about ESFJs and was
wondering if you could help me. :)

Would you mind extracting the things that describe you from the
following list of words and phrases:

Activity, cheerfulness, laughter, tear, experience, merriment,
celebratory meal, children, family, the optimism. To associate, to
talk, to laugh, tasteful to eat, to feed friends and close ones, to be
glad at the life. Journeys, holidays, attack, to participate and to arrange cultural and mass measures, to organize merriment, cordiality, care, obtrusiveness. To entertain, to give gifts, to make pleasant to people, to be met with the clever interesting people, to expend money, "to pull at" the taciturn people. Noisiness, loud speech, garrulity, emotionalism, fussiness, always speaks that thinks. To be in the center of attention, all to entertain. Indian films, the Mexican series. Beauty, cleanliness, order, the material prosperity. I love validity, love, when everything on the honest and equally. Resoluteness and initiative, the skill to defend its interests; the ability to rapidly make the decisions. To take initiative, to appear persistence, exactingness, imperiousness. To impose its opinion and views on the problem, at the same time diplomatic, the skill to rapidly settle the conflicts. Unhealthy perception of the criticism.
It loves to associate with the people, loves the animals. I do not
love: gregariousness, incoherence; I do not love to seem weak; I do
not suffer, when they indicate to me that it is necessary to make.

The above is taken from a Russian translation. I do apologize for that.

It would be helpful if you could put the words and phrases from above (that describe you) in your own words.

Much thanks!