Friday, February 29


James is FINALLY completely over his Rotavirus infection. It took a couple of days for him to get back into the swing of things, but I now have my little boy back! It's been great. Not only that, but he has been eating incredibly well (although still mostly pureed baby foods). He must be trying to put that weight back on that he lost. Now I find myself overly protective, and not wanting to go out much because kids all over Manitoba seem to be getting sick! I don't want to go through that again!

The first few days after James started to feel better were really hard, because although he was feeling healthier, he was not sleeping well at all. He would get up numerous times in the night - and usually needed at least one early-morning bottle to help him get back to sleep. We assumed he was hungry from the loss of so much of his food. Then he would refuse to nap during the day. It was hard on me, because he has been a good napper since birth, and suddenly he would scream if I tried to put him down! I was at a loss. Then I remembered the words of a dear friend during one of my rough times, "Heather, learn to 'roll with the punches' more". I decided I needed to do that, and so I let James stay up all morning with no nap. After lunch, just before 1pm I decided I would try to put him down. He fell asleep in about five minutes, and slept for two hours! I've done the same thing now for three days, and he's doing great with it! Not only that, but he is also sleeping a little longer in the morning, until almost 7:00am.
Today I had a chance to babysit Isaiah for an hour. Admittedly, I wanted to help out Rebekah, but I was nervous about how I would handle two very active, and very MOBILE little boys! They actually did really great once they realized that they would have to share or the toys would disappear. In the end they were actually playing well together, and I was even able to sit and relax on the floor while James showed Isaiah how to use our stereo.


Domestic Bloggess said...

So glad to hear that James is feeling better! Sounds like he was playing a little "hard to get" with going down to one nap not so long ago and now that it's his idea - he loves it! Kids are so funny that way. You must be so happy though ... good mommying on rollin' with the punches!

Christy said...

Glad to hear your little man is feeling better!

We just adjusted Liv's nap schedule as well. She was taking two naps a at 11:00am and one at around 3:00pm. I started to notice that she was lasting past the usual 11:00am wheras normally she would be miserable past that time. So I decided to see how long she would go and she didn't start to get cranky until 1:00pm so I put her down and she slept for over 2.5 hours! And I have done the same ever since and she sleeps from about 2.5-3 hours! And now she is finally sleeping through the night. I am thinking that the two naps a day was too much sleep in the daytime so she wasn't as tired at night. And now by adjusting the time a couple, we have success!! It sounds like you have discovered the same thing!! Yes for sleep!!

Trev and Rebekah said...

I might just have to try this one nap a day thing soon. And thanks for watching my son. I love it that his best friend lives next door. :0)

-Me- said...

I was so happy to read that James is feeling better; it's so crazy how many kids are seeming to get sick the last little while; I'm thankful that Noah and Taylor haven't gotten this crazy flu (YET)...We have the same Tow Mater chair,(and also a few of the same sleepers, I've noticed) I think you and I must have similar taste :-) I love that James and Isaiah are so close, that's so nice for you guys! You'll both have to be careful when the teen years hit, you have 2 little future heartbreakers on your hands I think !!! I think once the weather gets a little bit nicer and some of the snow melts Noah and I may need to venture out to Rosenort for a playdate...let me know if you're up for that!

Kim Funk said...

Good to hear james is feeling better :) i know when those 'seasons' of stuffy/snoty nose/feverish..ect, come it feels like its never ending. When it does its such a relief and good to get back to routines.

blessings, James is so adorable by the way :)..haha im sure you are well aware of that ;)

Erica H said...

Praise God! I'm suring you're praying this is his last bought with sickness! We've been sick a lot this winter, too. No stomach flus...yet...Annika has now gone to one nap a day, and for the last few days she's slept a full 11-12 hours at night! AND she, too, has also, on her own, moved her morning wake time to 7:30-8:00!! Thankfully, there has been a break through in our home, TOO!!!!

Dianna said...

I've been catching up on reading your blog. Have been lacking these days and finally have a new post on mine. It was nice catching up with you again. Blessings my friend

Elina said...

I've gotta say... James is one cute kid!