Wednesday, February 6


It has been a rough week, needless to say. I think I mentioned that last week Friday we took James to see the pediatrician because he had an ear infection. I then discovered at least two to three new molars coming through his gums, and possibly more! All this has made James a very clingy, unhappy little boy. Then, on Monday night while playing in the basement, he started to cry very hard - and just flopped down on the floor and wouldn't walk. He would try to get up, but just flop down and cry. He eventually started to walk a little more, but he would limp, and then his legs would buckle, and he would fall down again. It was heart-wrenching to watch, but we couldn't see anything that would indicate an injury, or splinter or anything. On Tuesday morning he was walking a little bit more, but we were worried so we decided to take him in again. The wait was especially long, and James was NOT happy to wait. Plus, we couldn't let him just run around because he kept limping and falling! Finally we got in to see the Dr., and she also couldn't see anything serious. She told us to keep an eye on it, and let him walk as much as he wanted to. Today he seems much better, but still has moments where he has a slight limp. I think he might have just stepped on a toy, and bruised the bottom of his foot.
So, what does any of this have to do with being pampered? Well, my mother-in-law knows me pretty well. She knows that I need to take it easy and relax, but that I find it very hard to ignore household chores. I've actually been ignoring them pretty well, but she decided to bless me in a very special way - she hired her cleaning lady to come to my place once a week for a month! She came today for the first time, and I have to say it is amazing how great it feels to come into your house and it is entirely cleaned! I am SO pumped, and feel so very blessed to have one less thing to think about for a few weeks. I just hope I don't get too used to it.


Nin said...

So glad to hear you're getting pampered. Hope James's minor mystery pain is better, I could totally picture him falling and crying, getting up and falling and crying again. It was a half cute half sad picture. Must've been a bit scary though.
James is super cute in that pic of course. And I love your yellow tile! Everytime I see pics of your house I try to enlarge the pic so I can see how you decorate! You're so stylish. By the way we painted our cupboards! Have to wait for the pics thought so I'm not saying what color. (Not dark blue haha)

-Me- said...

Hey Heather! I'm so glad to hear that you are getting pampered definitely deserve it! I'm sad to hear that James is having some trouble, and wil be praying for him! Also, I love this picture. HE is growing up so fast!

Trev and Rebekah said...

I'll be thinking of you this weekend.

Trail Rider said...

that sounds awesome! good for you for accepting the help! alot of poeople would feel guilty for taking help.
It's takes a strong person to know when they need help.
Your story about james, wow, that does sound rough. and just not knowing what's really going on...

waiting in dr's offices with small kids during long waits....totally can relate to the stress.
hang in there girlie, one day at a time. sometimes it's only one moment at a time.

Still praying for you.

Erica H said...

Hi, Heather. You've been so heavly on my mind and heart this week - I've been whispering up prayers for you often.

I told my mom (who is a nurse) about James' walking problem - she said that she found with all her boys that around 2 years old or so they would have a growth spurt and their groin area always seemed to hurt them and they would have problems walking. I don't know, could be the problem, but it may not be...thought I'd just pass that tid bit on.

Renee Shaw said...

Wow! THat would be amazing to have a cleaning lady! Enjoy it and be blessed!

Lindsay said...

That is AMAZING! :)
Hope James continues to feel better. Praying for your little family.