Wednesday, February 20

Sick Kid Update

James is still not feeling too good. He only had one puke yesterday though, which happened at noon when I tried giving him baby cereal again. The rest of the day he drank little sips of pedialyte, and ate a little bit of a rice cracker. He only seems to want to drink if we give it to him in a syringe. I think he likes that because it seems fun. Anyway, he napped frequently through the day - and I think I watched more TV yesterday than I have for the last year! He seemed happy to just rest on me while we sat on the couch. In a way, it's sort of nice, and kind of cute - but I would take my busy, happy, healthy, energetic kid ANY DAY. His fever fluctuates, and can be anywhere from normal (36.5) to 38.5 at it's highest. I've been giving him Tylenol and Motrin, and that helps a lot.

He slept pretty well last night, and didn't vomit at all. He went down to bed at 7:30pm, had a brief wake-up at 9:00pm and then slept until almost 5:00am. I think by 5:00am he was just really thirsty, and he drank a fair bit of the pedialyte. He had more cereal this morning, and so far no vomit. He is still a little feverish, but otherwise seems to be improving. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. You could also pray for Trevor, Rebekah and Isaiah. Isaiah has also been sick with the same thing, but now so are Trevor and Rebekah! So far Ryan and I remain mostly healthy.

I blame the weather for all this sickness. We haven't really been outside at all this winter. James doesn't like the cold, and it makes his eyes water really badly. Ryan told me this morning that we have had 18 days this winter with a temprature below -30. The average is 6! We are just in desperate need of fresh air. I cannot wait for Spring/Summer, and going back to being outside all day.


Erica H said...

Glad to hear he's starting to feel better - poor guy. :( I dread the day when Annika gets the stomach flu for the first time! We're sick in our household, too. But just with runny noses and coughs. Will pray for little James!

P.S. I can't believe how many cold day's Manitoba has had this winter! That's CRAZY! We're looking forward to Spring here, too.

Nin said...

I'm so desperate for this winter to be over too! So looking forward to spring and normalness where we actually go outside and do things!
I just caught myself up on little James's flu. I giggled to myself when I read he puked up his one frenchfry, I thought that was cute. But all giggles were haulted when I heard how the afternoon panned out. Poor James! But I know what you mean, it's so hard to see them that way, but in a weird way, it's nice, to have them cuddle you and "need" you. Seems like in this phase they're all like, I don't need you, I'm a big boy! (even though they're so not, and need you for everything haha)
That sucks about Trev and Rebekah, I got the flu once at the same time as my daughter, and that is the WORST.
Hope James is feeling better, and sleeping better. Bless you and your family, I pray God's healing would cover James, and I pray protection over you and Ryan. May the things that are acting up in James's little stomach be put to rest.

Trev and Rebekah said...

thanks for the prayer

-Me- said...

Awwww, feel better soon James...we'll be praying for you!! By the way, Heather, we should get together one day soon!

Renee Shaw said...

Preston was sick as well (I posted a vomit post on my blog too! haha) and now Izzy has caught whatever it is! So needless to say we have been speaking over our children and house for healing, cause it's so tough on their little bodies! They totally don't know whats going on. Even moreso for Preston, cause he's 2...when they hit that age, it's like adult puke now! Really gross! haha

Elina said...

I wonder if James had rotavirus? Brendan had it... we totally thought it was stomach flu but he had a stool sample done and it was indeed rotavirus. Basically its a really nasty stomach flu in really young kids. Anyhow glad he's better.