Friday, August 10

Well, Well, Well

So, guess what?! For the last three nights James has kept the following nighttime routine: to bed at 8:00pm, up for a 'top-up' bottle between 11:00pm and 12:00am, and then slept until 7:30am! You have NO idea, (or maybe you do), how extremely wonderful it has been to have a decent night's sleep. My body is still getting used to sleeping for that stretch of time, so I am still up several times through the night. However, I'm sure I'll stop doing that soon - and just start sleeping through the night myself. Hahahaha! Thank you so much for your prayers and support. I am now officially one of those moms that will be saying to new moms "It's tough, but once you get through it, it really works!". I also just want to give glory to God, because I know He is in on this as well.

I have still been praying over James' room each night. I believe that my strength, and the wisdom to finally "just do it" (let James CIO) came from God. Sometimes I think we expect God to answer our prayers without us having to do anything, like how I was praying James would sleep better, but I didn't want to have to change his schedule, or let him CIO. I don't think that we can expect that. I think sometimes God will answer our prayers only if we first put ourselves into ACTION, believing in Him to help us. Does that make any sense? Hope so! Anyway, I am off to bed now - and praying for another good night. I'm praying for good nights for all of you too.


kelly ens said...

that is such WONDERFUL news, Heather! I'm so glad to hear things are going well.
I'll be praying that the bottle elimination step goes well (whenever you decide to tackle that!)

Summer said...

Heather, that is so great that James is finally sleeping good for you! It is wonderful when you get a good nights sleep.

Renee Shaw said...

I'm proud of you Heather!! It's always tough to hear your baby cry, but isn't it so much better now that he sleeps?? You must feel better, and that is always a help when dealing with young ones!! Keep up the great work, James is blessed to have you as a mom!
Love ya!

Trev and Rebekah said...

It was so nice to see you again. I did miss our walks and talks when I was away on holidays

andrew + camille said...

thanks for sharing all of this, heather!!!!!!!!!! whenever the times comes that i have a bebe, i will definitely be knocking on your blog for advice, i hope you know!!
i am already dreading the lack of sleep..... i love my sleep..... oh boy

Stacey said...

I've been meaning to congratulate you for a while, but everytime I'm on the computer, I seem to be nursing Bria, and then it takes FOREVER to type anything! Way to go! Isn't it such a free feeling to know that he can calm himself and go back to sleep? It's too bad that sometimes we get to the end of our rope before we try these things (myself included... Rowan was 7 months old when I did this). This time around, if we have issues, I'm going to try this much sooner.