Sunday, August 19

Chickenpox Party

Did your mom ever take you to a chickenpox party when you were a kid? My mom did! "Back in the day", when one kid would contract chickenpox, other parents wanted to expose their kids so that they would all get it - and then be done with it at an early age. I very clearly remember my friend Tracy coming over because she had chickenpox and my mom wanted my brother and I to have it so that we would be immune. Thankfully I didn't get too many pox, and they didn't itch me very much. A few others from my class at school got the pox too, and because we couldn't go to school we had playdates. I sort of remember it being kind of fun - but that's because my pox weren't bad.

Well, do you want to come a chickenpox party at my place? James has them.

It started out with a mild fever and fussiness on Friday night. Through the night James was up a lot, and very unhappy. I gave him Tylenol, but he seemed to have no appetite, and very irritable. Yesterday morning I noticed he had developed quite a few "mosquito bites", which I thought was weird because the mosquitos have not been bad. By the afternoon he had quite a few more, and appeared to be very fussy, feverish, and not hungry for anything. I needed to escape the house (as my hubby is also sick), so I took James to a family gathering we had at the beach. It was confirmed there by my mom, my aunts and my grandma that James has chickenpox. Last night was pretty rough for him again - but he is obviously itchy, and still hasn't been wanting to eat much. Hopefully the worst has passed, and he'll get through the itchy blister stage quickly. So, the invitation is open: if you want your kids to get chickenpox early in life, so they don't suffer in later years, come on down to our place over the next 3 days for a chickenpox party!


Anonymous said...

Don't they immunize for chicken pox in Manitoba yet?? It's all part of the covered immunizations in Saskatchewan and Ontario for sure. I don't know about other provinces.

Wenona said...

Aww! poor guy. Your hubby doesn't have the pox, does he? Apparantly they get bad when you get older. I hope James will be okay over the next few days while the pox progress into itchy little spots. And yes, I TOTALLY remember having chicken pox parties when we were kids. My sister and I both had them at the same time. What fun! haha!

Heather said...

i love it! chickenpox party is a great idea.. its good for kids to get them now. they do immunize against them if you choose.. but why? hope james feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

They get the chickenpox vaccine after their first birthday. Guess James won't need it!

Beth said...

My sister and I went to a chicken pox party too as kids and about a week later we had the pox... I guess I had a really bad case but I was too young to remember it. I hope little James is feeling better soon!

Jobina said...

I heard that the virus has mutated to more dangerous levels and they were seeing more fatalities due to chickenpox especially in older patients, hence the immunization. Nice to have it over with though, and it's one less needle for your little guy to have! I remember having baths with baking soda sprinkled in it...very nice! That, and being smothered in pink calamine lotion from head to toe. Now that would be a great picture of James!

Amber said...

Remember when I had chicken pox...IN GRADE 8??? I was mortified, how embarrasing! But at least a couple of other classmates had them the same time as me. Erik's mom still isn't sure if Erik ever had them - K & S did though, so maybe (hopefully!) he had a mild case.

Kim Funk said...

oh no thats too bad..have you taken him to the doc? and when i had pox when i was young i remember my mom bathing me in baking soda to take away the itch..from what i remember it helped abit, or took the edge off anyway!!

keep us update of how little james is doing aww poor little man!!

Trail Rider said...

I think that's kinda neat that you're doing it the "old fashioned way" just getting the ol chicken pox instead of a shot... You can get a shot for EVERYTHING nowadays! I think that getting shots for like the real serious ones like polio and meningitis are important for sure, but vaccines for pox and flu's are a little much.
Hope he feels better soon!!
It's part of being a kid

By the way, james has the most adorable perfect little bald head!

Andrea said...

Ohhh...I WISH I could come to your chickenpox party! haha :) However, I am a little too far away for that...but I do hope James is feeling much better soon, and really it is WAY better to get them when they're young!

Dianna said...

Hope your little guy feels better soon. Both my children had them before their first birthday. I was thankful for that. By the way I should be able to make it to the get together brunch. Looking forward to meeting all those blogging friends.

Kell Rees said...

I hope James is feeling better soon!!!
I wish my mom would've taken me to one of those parties.
I now have 2 small children and haven't had chickenpox yet. I'm afraid that when they get them, i will too.
I've heard that they are much worse when your older.
(My mom says that she isn't real sure if i had them or not i only got about 10 bumps and that was it, so maybe that counts but i doubt it)

Cindi said...

We would love to come to a chicken pox party, but now that we're trying for #2, it's probably smarter that we don't!:) I'm pretty sure we did the pox party when we got them cuz I remember all us neighborhood kids running around outside and playing with them. My little sister was patient zero and at 3 or 4, she got very upset when our neighbor friend stole her chickenpox!

Brandi said...

Kalia got her chicken pox shots a couple of months ago, otherwise you could count us in! I'm not sure if with the immunizations they are good for life, or just for a while and have to get the shot again? Not sure . . .

Lindsay said...

Ooh, itchy just thinking about it! I was one of those unfortunate kids who went to the parties, but didn't get the pox... until grade eight, when I got *incredibly* sick and missed a month of school. Ugh.