Thursday, August 2

CIO Night No.5

CIO Night No.5 - Much the same thing happened last night. James went down at 8:00pm, and woke up somewhat early for his bottle, around 10:45pm. After that he went back to sleep, and woke up sometime around 5:40am. He whined a bit, and then slept on-and-off until about 6:15am. Then he started to cry, but we just left him alone, and around 6:30am he fell asleep again until 8:00am.

We were supposed to go out tomorrow night with friend's, and leave James with a grandma, but I've decided not to do that. I think I would rather get this nighttime routine established first. We were also supposed to spend Sat.-Sun. night at a Motel for a family reunion, but again I don't think we will. I don't think the Motel neighbours would really enjoy hearing a baby crying at night! I think we'll just come home for the night, and go back the next day. I really would hate to see him backtrack at this point - he's doing so well!

One commenter on my last post asked how I am feeling after getting some good sleep. I feel AMAZING! I have energy for James through the day, and I don't get nearly so frustrated with him when he gets fussy. I've made a decent supper two nights in a row, and have supper planned for tonight too. My laundry is caught up. I feel emotionally more stable, and I feel like I can THINK. There is no longer a fog around my brain. I also feel more relaxed, and less irritated (I think my husband must be thankful for that). I just thank God for these last few nights of rest, and just pray that we will have more to come. It is incredible what a little sleep can do. Thanks for asking!

Another commenter encouraged me with an email this week. She stressed the importance of training up my child, and to NOT feel guilty about doing it! It was a big eye-opener for me, because I hadn't thought of letting James CIO as training. I sort of felt guilty about it because I thought I was being selfish, not wanting to get up for him all night. This friend just reminded me that it is my RESPONSIBILITY to train and discipline James, and that there is no time like the present to start molding him into the obedient little boy I want him to be. I appreciated hearing that so much. I also want to be able to enjoy helping James become a loving, caring man-of-God. I now see it as a joy to train James rather than something to feel guilty about. Thanks for that great reminder!


Jilly said...

I'm really happy to hear that it's going so well and that you're feeling better after a few nights of much-needed sleep :)

kelly ens said...

Good idea to stay those nights at home - keep "training" james in this new sleep habits, consistently. It's great that you're seeing progress, and I'm sure there's more to come.
ps. totally agree with your friend about training him. that is indeed, what it is!

Trail Rider said...

I absolutely love your heart! You are not selfish at all. I always find that by training, that is the ultimate form of selflessness. To let your child cry (and it just kills you to hear it!) and doing that for his own good.

Happy to hear the fog is going away! I had that fog after Elishah was born for 2 months! I thought I was going to loose my minD!!!!!!!!!!!!! you deserve a good night sleep! congrats on the successful training

Erica H said...

Good for you! You've worked so hard for the last week! Way to go! It gets easier and easier, hey?! Good call on staying home these next've worked hard to be where you're at right now, so to go back and screw things up when he isn't TOTALLY made this a habit would really suck. Very soon, though! Keep trekking!

Kell Rees said...
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Kell Rees said...

think you are right to stay home and not go away anywhere until you have his routine set. You have come so far and i'm sure you don't want to take any steps back.
I'm glad everything is working out good for you and your husband, after reading some of your up all night blogs i was feeling so bad for you, when you don't get enough sleep it is hard to function at all.
It's amazing what a full nights sleep will do for you.

RLE said...

Good for you that you are seeing progress and that you and your hubby are working together on this. I have heard many friends say that sleep training their child took a week and then it is no problem at all. I also have found this, though fortunately for me it was a few days less than that. We are extremely thankful that we did sleep train, as our son is easy to put down anywhere for anyone who has had to try now. My in-laws just had him for a couple of nights while we went away and they gushed about how easy he was and how they commended us for how we trained him. It is nice for people to recognize that it did take work and that it is such a good thing for everyone involved.
Anyways - here's to another night of good sleep!

Renee Shaw said...

Heather! I'm so happy for you that you've been able to sleep a bit, and that things are going well with you! You are a great mother!!! James is blessed to have you! I know just what it's like to have to cancel plans to stay with your kids, but sometimes you need to. It's a bit of an inconvenience now, but in the end it will pay off!! You're doing great, keep it up!
God bless you!

Anonymous said...

I'm the anonymous lurker who implored you to let James cio... good job!! I'm proud of you and I know you'll be so thankful to feel yourself again. Stay strong, and know you are training James to self-soothe and feel secure in his bed! Keep going!

Janelle said...

i am sooo very proud of you! i remember those days and they were NOT fun at all! but worth it...and all part of the parenting experience! lots of love!!