Tuesday, August 7

A Few New Things

Hi everyone! I just had to give you a quick CIO report, and also tell you about the interesting new things James has been up to. So, as far as James' nights go, they are getting much, much better! If we have to let him CIO, it usually doesn't take more than about 5-20 minutes of crying. I say 5-20 minutes, because it was down to NO crying, but last night was weird and he cried for 20 minutes. However, that is a huge improvement from the 1 hour of crying. AND, he even slept one full night for us this weekend! He went down at 8pm, and woke up at 7am! Yahoo! We are hoping for more nights like that.

He has also accomplished a few new things this weekend. For example, he is now pulling himself to standing on almost everything - and even stood unassisted in his crib for a few milliseconds. He has also mastered going up the stairs (preferably supervised, but he has gotten as far as 2 or 3 steps up before we noticed). Today after swimming we went on a short drive, and he fell asleep in the car. When we got home I debated whether to let him nap in the car, or if I should just wake him up and try to rock him back to sleep. I decided to wake him, but instead of waking up - he stayed asleep while I took him out! He stayed asleep on my shoulder while I brought him into the house. I gently laid him down into his crib, and his eyes opened, but only long enough for him to roll onto his tummy and go back to sleep! WOW! He must have been really tired!

Here are a few pictures from our trip to the Zoo yesterday... he looked SO cute in his new hoodie!


Erica H said...

Too bad we didn't run into one another at the zoo yesterday. :( It would've been fun to have introduced our babies to one another! James' eyes are SO gorgeous!!!

Gina said...

I love the first picture of James, he looks so grown up. Glad you have gotten all the sleep issues straightened out!

Nin said...

way to go James!
and way to go you guys! for sticking it out and being a testimony to others struggling with the same thing! You can now offer hope to those who find themselves right where you found yourself a little while ago....at your wits end!
James is such a cutie! and give him my congrats on his new teeth.

Drea said...

oh my gosh ur wearing hoodies in AUgust?! It was 100 degrees here today and no im not stretching that, seriously 100... if not hotter....

Domestic Bloggess said...

Yayyyy James for sleeping and giving mommy and daddy some "real" rest! Congrats you guys ... I'm so happy it's worked out for you all.

Love the stylin' hoodie too btw.

Kell Rees said...

Time to break out the baby gates, once they learn to climb they never stop.
I love the pictures of James, he is the most beautiful little boy!

Christy said...

Yippee for CIO and sleep! Now I just need to do it! Haha!

That guy with the dark hair looking at the camera has got to be your brother? Am I right? He looks like you!

Becky said...

Awe! What a sweetie!

Jamie said...

Hey Heather - it's been awhile since I've checked your blog and commented. I'm so happy to hear that you're discovering sleep success. That's so encouraging.

James is such a cutie and I can't believe how mobile he is already. Keziah is looking on the verge of crawling herself these days but I think it could be a couple of weeks yet.

Love you guys!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Crazy...he's growing up so much since I last saw him. Can't wait to see you again.

Jilly said...

James looks so cute in that hoodie :) I think that's a great colour for him :)

Elina said...

Heather, I have to say, I think I can tell a difference in the general TONE of your last few posts... you don't sound nearly as frustrated! Must be the extra sleep! Good for you guys for stickin' to it! Seems to be paying off.