Wednesday, November 22

It is indeed a boy!!

OK I'm going to try to write this with Heather and Ryan's cat wrapped around my foot, slowly knawing away at it (is that how knawing is spelled?). This is Matt by the way, Heather and Ryans brother in law. I'm supposed to inform everyone that I am an uncle, which more importantly means Heather and Ryan are Mother and Father (not both at the same time) of a really cute 8 pound 3 ounce baby boy!!! His name is James Kennedy Plett and he's a quiet lil guy (must be Heather's side??). He's 20.25" tall... or sideways (he doesn't stand yet) and was born November 21 at 11:18 am. He's awesome and we love him!! Oh yeah one more thing, I realize I was probably one of the furthest away in the prediction thing, well, I just want you all to know, I told my girlfriend Mercedes that my guess that it would be a girl would be wrong and it would actually be a boy, you can ask her, it's true! Anyway Heather and Ryan should be back soon, and yes they both survived the ordeal quite nicely. Thank you. Next post will be from the owner of this site. See ya!


Ang said...

Congrats Matt...Steve and I now share a nephew with you! Um, yeah, very excited at this end!

Amber said...

Great post Matt...what an honor to be able to share this exciting news with the blogging world ;)

CONGRATS to you all!! I'm so happy everything went well and that little James is finally here. Praise God!!

Wenona said...

Whoo hoo! Congrats guys! I've been sitting on pins and needles all day! I am so excited for you and happy to hear that all is going well. God bless your new little family!

Gina said...

Exciting!! Glad to hear everything is going good. God Bless you as you begin your journey raising James!

Drea said...

WOO! I knew it was a boy :-)
And see her dance worked ;-) ConGRATS!!! so exciting

Trev and Rebekah said...

It was so good to see you guys in the hospital today! We're so happy for you. You already look like natural parents. If you ever need anything let us know.

kelly ens said...

YAY!!!! so glad to hear it! can't wait to hear all about it and see pics of the little prince!

patti said...

big hugs to you! i'm so happy your little boy arrived safe and sound!
can't wait to see pictures.

Warren & Liane said...

Hey, congrats! Can't wait to see a pic of the little guy!

Stacey said...

Horrray! You made it, and you finally have a beautiful little boy! Maybe I'll have to try dancing if we have another baby someday!

Jobina said...

Congrats!!! It's so exciting to hear that you are now parents! Enjoy this new journey of your lives, and "welcome to the world little James"!

Melanie said...

Congratulations Mommy & Daddy! Enjoy watching every move little James makes!

Kimberley said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you that this day finally came. Hope you are all 3 doing well. We are praying for you as you start out on this new adventure.

Dianna said...

YIPPEEE!! YAH!!! I was right!!! I was correct!!!Who'se Next....
Anyhow Congratulations Heather and Ryan I'm so floored! One of the greatest joys and greatest rewards in life is motherhood!! May you raise him up to be a pillar for His kingdom. Praise God!!

Tanya said...

Congrats on your sweet baby boy! That dance must have done the trick!

Elizabeth said...


Christy said...

So exciting! Congratulations Heather and Ryan!Can't wait to see pictures of that little guy!

Vanessa said...

Congratulations!! He must have sensed how much fun you were having dancing and wanted to come join the fun! Blessings as you care for this precious little gift! Can't wait to see pictures!

Unknown said...


God is faithful, ain't He?

Janelle said...

i am so excited, so excited, so excited! welcome little James! i can't wait to see you!!
Heather, super proud of you babe. can't wait to hear your story, and talk to you about your new bundle!! sit back & stare at that cute little face as much as you can.
i love you!!!!!!1

andrew + camille said...

ok so i guessed a pound higher than Baby James, but oh well! i did guess boy! haha...
i'm so excited for you guys!!! congrats!!

Stephen and Melissa Thiessen said...

Congratulations Heather! I couldn't have been more excited when I looked on your blog, and a post about a little baby was FINALLY there:) I'm sure you are so glad all that waiting is over. God Bless you guys as you raise this little one! Welcome into the world little James! Can't wait to see pictures.

-Me- said...

Congratulations Mom and Dad!! I hope that your little blessing brings you so much joy, as I'm sure he already has! I was very excited for you guys when I read the post, and look forward to hearing all about him when you arrive home!!! Love and prayers, and best wishes to your family!!!

Dixie Vandersluys said...

Way to go! Congratulations!! Can't wait to hear all the details and see pictures (not of the details, but of that baby)! Blessings to all of you.

Becky said...

CONGRATS! I'm so happy for you! I love the name and can't wait to see a picture and hear all about the birth! May God bless you all during this precious time! Lots of hugs!

Oh yeah... I knew it had to be a boy... That word verification from October 26th was just too weird... I've never had a word verification that was actual words... Let alone words that seemed applicable...


LOL. And now he is! Hurrah!

Ellen said...

diddo to all of the above.. so glad that everything went well! Welcome lil James! I so can't wait to see pictures of the little one!

Garth said...

Congrats! Welcome to the wild world of parenting!

Ang said...

Cute to see anti-blog steve refreshing this site in anticipation!

Jamie said...

Congrats Heather! I'm SO happy for you guys! I hope you're all doing well and adjusting to motherhood alright. We'll have to introduce our son and your daughter when they get a little bit older ;)

Jamie said...

Oops - I meant YOUR son and OUR daughter! Darn preggo brain must still be working!

Krystle said...

Congrats to you both

Christine said...

YIPPEE! I knew that it was going to be a boy! Glad to hear that he is healthy. Can't wait to see pictures.

Dianna said...

Conratulations and welcome to the wonderful role of MOTHERHOOD!!!This is just the beginning... ENJOY!! Everything is precious!! Make memories with little James!