Saturday, June 10

Tears & Sadness

Yesterday Ryan and I found out that dear friends of ours from B.C. lost their precious baby last week. Our hearts are aching for them, and I can't seem to keep the tears from flowing - that pain is all too real, and fresh. Despite our successful pregnancy thus far, the pain of our loss is still there and I, in particular, think of it often. I would be due in about 2 weeks. Please pray for our friends. I won't mention their names for the sake of their privacy. We know all too well how they must be feeling right now, and we wish that we could offer them better support during this time for them. It never ceases to amaze me how in life, gifts are given and taken away. Life is fleeting - live and love every moment of it as though it were your last. Blessings to you all.

"You give and take away, You give and take away, my heart is here to say 'Lord, blessed be Your name'."


Nin said...

Sorry to hear of their loss. May they find rest and peace in knowing that our God is for them and with them. That last quote says it all, He is worthy of our praise in all circumstances. It's good that they have you to walk with them through this.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Heather, I will be thinking of you in these next few weeks. Take time to greive your first baby.
Love ya!

Unknown said...


yes, we'll be praying.

Sharon said...

Many prayers for your friends.
Very sorry for their loss.

And again for yours. Prayers for you and your dh as your due date nears. I would have been due in hasn't gotten any easier "yet". I don't suppose it will ever be easy. How could it?

tfoxfan said...

Thanks for the love.

PS: I know you're right there.