Tuesday, June 6

The Seventeen Week Update

Hi everybody! Looks like we've made it another week - woohoo! Things are relatively the same as last week. My tummy keeps getting bigger. I saw a friend today that I hadn't seen in about a week, and she just laughed when she saw me. "Whoa, you have really blossomed in the last week!" she said. Hahaha! I just love it! After all your great thoughts, insight, advice and some prayer on my part, we decided to skip the triple screen test. I much appreciated all of your thoughts on it, and I especially liked the idea that if we were to be blessed - yes, blessed - with a child with a handicap, God would give us the strength at that time to handle it.

So, today was my first day at home. Weird! I wasn't even sure what to do with myself. I did keep quite busy though, and I'm sure once I get used to being home I'll find more and more to do (bake buns, make perogies, clean, etc.). Maybe I'll even let Ryan teach me how to use the riding mower. There are some downgrades to being at home as far as my blog goes. We are now on dial-up instead of the high speed connection I had at work. This means that photos are not as readily available to upload because they take forever. Hopefully we will know in a few months (or sooner) if we can afford to install high speed internet. For now, it's slow going for me. I also don't check my email as regularly, and already had a few people ask me today "Didn't you get my email?". Ack! I will make regular time each day to check it.

Anyway, I am getting more and more excited to meet one of my new blogger friends in person this weekend! Janelle and her daughter Kamryn will be in my hometown this Sunday! Yay!


Sharon said...

Glad to hear your apt. went well. :)
And I know I am biased, but I am happy to hear you're skipping the test. I apologize if that's offensive. I have just heard more bad than good about the triple screening test. And you are so right- if you have a child w/ a disability, you are still very blessed.
Almost half way there! Hang in there!! :)

Nin said...

wow, can't believe you're 17 weeks already!
I know what you mean, I feel like I'm growing everyday, and every morning I wake up with a bigger belly. If you miss me for a week or two, you'll see a big difference.
Glad to hear you're at home, relax and soak it all in. I'm sure you'll find plenty of things to fill your time with, especially when you get into your nesting phase.
Hope you have tons of fun with Kamryn and Janelle! Blessings!

Wenona said...

Hey Heather - totally learn how to use the riding mower - I do all the mowing and I love it! Makes me feel like a farmer!
So glad to hear that you are doing great and guess what?? I'm gonna be in Rosenort this weekend too - I'm even going to church with Patti, so maybe I'll see you there.

Heather said...

Wenona, if you are hanging out with Patti and the crowd on Sunday - we will definately meet!

patti said...

don't you love watching you belly grow? best thing EVER! can't wait to see it in real. see you sunday!