Wednesday, June 21

Daddy's First...

Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much lately. My sister-in-law, brother-in-law and my niece and nephew have been out here visiting this week. I've been trying to see them as much as possible, so blogging has taken a back seat. I'm also frustrated with dial-up, so hopefully in the next couple of weeks I will get all set up with high speed and I will be back to my usual blogger self, as I also begin working from home. Yay!

Pregnancy has been going wonderfully the last couple of weeks - with many exciting developments! I've been feeling really good, although I seem to have pulled some muscles or ligaments on one side this week - possibly from lifting my 1 1/2 year old nephew, or maybe it's just growing pains. I hope it goes away, because it's tough enough to sleep well without a pain in my side! Anyway, I started feeling faint movements a few weeks ago, but over the last week the movements have been a lot stronger and more often. I can usually get some really good kicks if I eat and then go and lie down. Last night the baby was going nuts in my tummy after I went to bed! I ate mandarins from a can, maybe that was the trick. Anyway, the baby was going all over the place and I could feel it all from outside my tummy. I told my hubby it was his chance to feel the baby, so he lightly held his hand on my belly. Just a few seconds later Daddy got his first two baby kicks! It was so neat, I was so pumped that he got to feel it! Hopefully he will get to feel a lot more yet! The baby is actually kicking me right now as I type all this. It's just amazing, and a blessing, and incredible - I just thank God for every little kick! I've waited for this moment my whole life. Thank you Lord for the miracle of life, and all of the many experiences I get to have with it. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Wenona said...

How exciting Heather! I am so pumped for you that you get to feel kicks - and especially that Ryan could feel them too. You are in my prayers often.

Trev and Rebekah said...

YEAH! God is good. May every kick remind you to pray for your little baby and already ask God's direction and guidence to be on it's little life.

Sharon said...

Wonderful! It IS such a joy when your baby kicks and moves. To be able to feel your child actually ALIVE inside you....awwww.
I am happy for you.

Janelle said...

i loved it when Rod could start feeling Kamryn kick...though by the end of the pregnancy she was almost booting him out of bed!!

Amber said...