Friday, January 12

James' Bad Day

Well, actually James' bad day started yesterday during his bath time. He was happily relaxing in the baby tub, with his head resting on a rolled up washcloth. He had his feet up against the back of the tub, and suddenly, without warning he launched himself off of there! His head slipped out of my hand, and off the cloth and into the water. Half of his face was submerged, and water poured into his open (and surprised) mouth, and soapy suds flooded his eye. The poor little guy was too shocked to even cry - but his eye got really red, and watery, and he sputtered and spit-up the water he had swallowed. I felt so horrible for not saving him! But he seemed to have soon forgotten about the incident, and despite his watery red eye he was content.

Then, today was James' circumcision. I have not been looking forward to this day for weeks now. In fact, I had almost completely ignored it. But there was no more ignoring it this morning, as I got him ready for his 12:00 noon appointment. While dressing him to take him out in the -34 degree weather, with a windchill of less than -40 I was putting on his little mittens. I guess I was in a hurry, and didn't notice that his little pinky finger wasn't going in - and I basically pushed it backwards. Poor little James! His mouth was open, and his face was redder than red - but there was no sound escaping as he worked up a huge scream! What a horrible mother. I checked his finger, and it was fine - and again, gracious little James went on as though it never happened. Too bad it didn't happen that way with the surgery...

We got to the surgery centre at 11:30am, and gave James the recommended dose of Tylenol. I was so nervous, but when the Dr. came out to call him in I was somewhat comforted by the fact that the Dr. was a woman. For some reason I had assumed that it was a man up to that point. Anyway, I just felt that a woman would be more gentle with James. Ryan went in with James at 12:00, and I sat down and tried to relax as I prayed fervently for James. In about 8 minutes Ryan was back, and I thought he was still waiting for James to get done - but it was already all done, and James wasn't even crying anymore! James had made it through like a champ, crying only slightly when he got the first freezing needle. I was so relieved. So, we packed up and headed home - and then the crying started. He was almost inconsolable, and that is very unlike my content little James. I tried to nurse him, and he ate a little, but then immediately erupted into frantic crying. I was heartbroken, because I knew he was crying in pain - but I could do nothing about it.

He did finally fall asleep for most of the ride home, but once we got in the door more frantic crying began. I was crying at that point too, and Ryan was trying to keep us both calm. Ryan had to go to the store, so when James finally calmed down he went out. Almost the second Ryan left, more wailing started. Then, the diarrhea started to explode! It was a biggy, and went ALL the way up his back and through his onesie, his sleeper, and his blanket. Ew. Plus, this meant I had to change him and look at his freshly cut little weewee for the first time. Eek. So, I went about changing him - and I was certain that his weewee looked like it might explode. It looked so sore and swollen. Ryan got home, and I asked him to examine it, and he didn't feel it looked quite as bad as I felt it did. I made some phone calls for advice - starting with my sister-in-law, and eventually Health Links. To no avail, however, as no one could really tell me without LOOKING at it whether it was anything to be worried about. We also didn't want to take James to the hospital in the -40 degree weather if it wasn't necessary. So, I called in the cavalry - Grandma. My mom was over in a jiffy, and after perusing the damage, we all agreed that it did not require a trip to Emergency. She stayed for a few hours, as James soon relaxed, ate a good meal, and went to sleep in her arms. Ryan and I finally got some supper (KD and weiners), and my mom put James down to sleep.

So, that is where we currently stand. James is sleeping, my mom has gone, and Ryan and I are preparing for what we think may be a long night ahead. Hopefully the Tylenol will continue to keep James comfortable, and hopefully he won't launch into any more terrible fits. Tomorrow will be a new day, and hopefully James will have long forgotten his bad day.


Anonymous said...

I of course have no expeirence in any of those situations but, my heart broke for you both. You have to go through so many tough and scary things as a parent. I really hope you all have a better day tommorrow. I hate that I haven't seen or talked to you since you got home. I still think and pray for you lots. I'll talk you soon. Love you guys, Sherisse

Jamie said...

Oh, it's so awful to see your child in pain and not be able to do anything about it!
It shouldn't bother him for too long, though. Micah was circumcised at about 3 weeks old and I was surprised at how easy it all went. I was so paranoid when I would bathe him or change his diaper but he would kick it or hit it and didn't seem bothered at all. Still, I was glad we didn't have to go through that aagin this time around :)

I loved the KD and weiners comment - that's a typical meal at our house, too :)

Becky said...

Awwww poor little guy. I'm sure my boys will be happy I shared this with strangers, but I didn't circumsize them. Mostly because I am too big of a wuss and couldn't make up my mind so I let fear be my guide. LOL. I'll pray for his tendeer little wee wee, and your tender heart. I hope they both feel better soon.

Stacey said...

Just wondering how you made your decision to circumsize James. I did a lot of reading when I was pregnant, and it all pretty much said there are no benefits that outweigh the down side. So, that left me unsure, and we just left it.

Melanie said...

I was going to ask the same thing as Stacey. Expecting a baby any day now (and not knowing if it's a boy or girl), we are wondering what is best in that regards. I'm so glad that we had a girl the first time, I didn't have to deal with this dilemna.

-Me- said...

Heather, I so much appreciated this post. Finding out that I was having a boy and knowing that I would be having him circumcised, that has been my biggest worry...the pain factor. I'm so sorry to hear that little James was in pain yesterday, and I do pray for quick healing for him. I hope that you were able to catch some sleep tonight. Also, I know that I will be in tears when my son has this done....I'm anxious to hear about the healing time, etc. Take care, and God bless! Your an awesome mom too by the way!

Anonymous said...

Sherisse - Thanks babe. Can't wait to see you!

Jamie - Yes, KD and weiners. Delicious and nutritious, hahaha!

Stacey & Mel - The decision to do the circ was made for the following reasons:
1. Daddy is.
2. I have had experience in the past with both "types", and I preferred it when it was done. Sorry if that is too much info - but you asked!!!
3. One grandma was formerly a nurse and saw some bad situations, particularly in old age with men who were not done.
4. The other grandma has a son who is not circ'd, and he had some trouble when he was young with that, and she said she would have had it done if she had known about the trouble it caused them.

So, we decided to do it.

Erin - James had a really good night, and has been fine ever since. You don't have anything to worry about - the swelling went down a lot in a few hours, and he seems totally fine. As Jamie said, even when he kicks it during diaper changes he doesn't seem to notice.

Anonymous said...

Erin - By the way, we were told to have the Plastibell method used, and that's what we did.

Nin said...

I almost feel more sorry for you than I do for little James! Those little ones are so resilient, and thier little memories don't store all the things we do. I remember when my little girl had to get stitches in her forehead from falling into a fireplace mantel, she screamed bloody murder as I watched the doctors poke their needles into a gaping hole in her head. It was soooooo traumatizing, FOR ME NOT FOR HER! lol. As soon as it was done, we went back into the waiting room to leave, and my little girl was skipping away (still sporting some dried blood all over her forehead) asking for a snack from the candy store. I on the other hand was still white from head to toe, and could barely walk since my knees were wobbly.
When we took Daniel in to get circumsized, we were in the waiting room with another woman and her son. Her son went first, and when came back, he was creaming so loud I'm sure the whole hospital could hear him. Nothing she did would calm him I sat there with my jaw to the floor, holding my son who I knew would be the next victim of this trauma, I started crying, not wanting to let him go. I prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed..... When we took him home, I was afarid to change him, and I was afraid of his first poop. I wouldn't let my hubby leave the house incase he pooped, because I was too scared to change him.'s amazing how God created us as mothers. With such a heart for our children. I totally aprrieciate this post, we have all been there. Bless your hubby for staying strong for you two. I love hearing about your new family. Your mom (or was it hubby's mom?) sounds great to have around. Little James is lucky to be surrounded by people who love him to death. Sorry for the once again, novel on your blog. I'm so horrible for long comments, I don't know what it is....

Stacey said...

Thanks for being honest, Heather! I would have chosen that too if I had heard those reasons.

Renee Shaw said...

The good news is he will not remember any of these things! Preston got the big cut when he was about a month I think...he didnt' really have a problem with it, but for the next little while the weewee does look a little different, just while the swelling goes down. Have no fear, your days and James' will get better!! Remember God will give you the grace to get through the hard times with James crying!

Teri said...

Hugs for you both! I'm in tears reading about his poor little weewee (that is way too cute).

Why didn't they do it sooner after he was born? I thought it was "normal" to do it within the 1st week. Of course, neither of my boys were, so I have no idea about it really :)

Teri said...

Oh, and hopefully Jer or Tannis won't read this since it will totally embaress my hubby, but he had to be circ'ed just over a year ago at 32 for medical reasons. I won't say why ;) So, not all intact men have to stay that way - my dad and FIL were done late in life too.

Christy said...

We had Tristan circumsized as well. For most of the same reasons that you had given. It was so hard to do but I have not ever regretted our decision! I have a few friends who's sons had to be done at 5,6,7 years old and by then I imagine it is way more traumatising and confusing. The recovery was very quick and he was back to normal the next day!

Anonymous said...

Teri - There are only 2 doctors currently doing circ's in Winnipeg right now, so it is usually a bit of a wait to get in with them - unless you know the sex of your baby, and can book ahead of time. I also wanted to wait until after we were back from holidays, just in the case of infection. So, the long wait was partially my choice.

-Me- said...

Heather-thank you so much for the wonderful advice! Also curious which dr's perform circumcisions...maybe I need to be putting a call in if there is a long! I am glad to hear that the swelling went down quickly too.

Drea said...

Dont be so hard on yourself. Accidents happen and your baby will be just fine. Water accidents are scary but usually as long as you pull them out quickly they are just fine. He may get an ear infection if to much water got into his ears... but thats about t he worst than can happen in that situation.

How come you didnt get him circumcised sooner? Is it a religious reason? Taite was circumcised in the hospital before coming home... I dreaded it. Then after it you have to keep an eye on it so much... and its all red and swollen.. not fun. The tube vasaline works great though. I prefer it to the jar kind. This way when you apply it you just squeeze a bunch on his lil pete rather than try to smudge it on with your finger.

Gtg ! glad your home safely.. and boy thats cold weather! I thought we had it bad...

Anonymous said...

Erin - The Dr. that performs Plastibell circumcisions is Dr. B. J. Hancock. The other Dr. performs the other kind (don't know what that is called), and the Dr.'s name is Dr. Wiseman.

Drea - No, it was not for religious reasons at all. They do not do circumcisions in the hospital here in Manitoba for legal reasons. We waited until we were back from our holidays to get it done. I was just too worried to take him on vacation so soon after having it done.

Anonymous said...

Drea - Thanks also for the Vaseline advice. We were told to use either Vaseline or Polysporin, so I am using Polysporin. It is in a tube, so I had been just squeezing it on. It does work much better than trying to smear on the Vaseline.

kelly ens said...

One of my first thoughts when I found out we had a girl was "thank goodness i don't have to deal with circumcision!"
I hope he's feeling better now.
As for the other things...babies have short memory, so there's room for all sorts of things to happen to our little babes (unintentionally, of course), and they'll turn out ok!

Drea said...

Ohh okay. That makes sense. :-) I dont blame you for waiting then. Interesting how they dont do it where you live yet its done here in the states with no question.

Wenona said...

I'm so sorry you and James had a bad day. You are NOT a bad mother and these things happen. Kids are so resiliant (sp?) and I believe God has given them a special gift to forgive and keep living like nothing bad happened.
God bless!

Janelle said...

oh little buddy!!!!!
i send a BIG hug!!!!

Renee Shaw said...

when preston was born we also had to wait to get it I said he was about a month. Do you have to pay for circumcision where you are? In Saskatchewan you have to pay now, it's like $150!!!! I think a few years ago they changed that, because they no longer think it'e medically necessary. But anyway I'd be curious to know if you have to pay or if they just do it?

Anonymous said...

Renee - Yes, you now have to pay for it here too. The same as there, $150. I think they just started this about a year ago. A friend of mine has a 2 year-old and they had it done in the hospital for free at that time.

-Me- said...

Hey girlie! Thanks so much for the doctor referrals! Do you think that that I should phone ahead now, or is there even a wait???