Thursday, January 18

James on his Playmat

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Wenona said...

He is so cute kicking his legs and getting all excited over his little buddies hanging over him!

Renee Shaw said...

so cute Heather!

Domestic Bloggess said...

Precious! His little voice sounds low - soooo cute! What a great mat you guys got - I haven't seen that one anywhere.

Kim Funk said...

aww so cute talking makes it even cuter!!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Heather, you have a really great mommy voice. It was nice to have a short visit with you last night. I tried the clothes. Most are too big right now but some do fit. Thanks.

Jamie said...

What a cutie - it's so much fun to watch them at this stage. Keziah's getting more social and I've had more smiles from her in the last couple of days than I've had in the previous weeks combined!

I didn't comment on your last post but I'm so SO glad that you're feeling more like yourself. I really hope that continues once you're off the medication. I think I've had a bit more of a longer emotional recovery this time around myself. But, maybe it has more to do with the stress of dealing with two children than with my hormones!
As for birth control, I had decided about a year before we even conceived Micah that the pill was not for me anymore - just the whole side effects thing like others mentioned. We were not interested in getting pregnant right away but at the same time we weren't at a place where another pregnancy would be devastating. So we took our chances and just used condoms all the time until I got my period (7 months later) and then only used them around the time when I was ovulating.
Here's a little funny sidenote - we've been so accustomed to not using anything for over a year (when we were trying and then when I was pregnant) that the other night we just completely forgot! Right afterwards I had a panic attack when I realized what we had done! I'm pretty sure I'll be OK, but wouldn't that be something, hey?? I'm not ready for #3 quite yet!!

Janelle said...

oh i just want to squeeze him!
sorry James, but Kamryn just doesn't know who you are - through the whole video - she just kept saying "Emma Joy!"'s the only baby she knows! and she kept saying "Hi guys" after you said that Heather!
too cute!

Low Flying Angel said...

Very very cute. :) I have a nephew born on 10/1 he's tiny!

Cindi said...

Just thought I'd let you know that I saw you at the mall today. By the time I clued in to the fact that it was you, you had already walked past and I didn't want to seem like some crazy stalker chasing after you to say hi and nice to meet you. Maybe that can happen some other time. Anyways, It was neat to see you and I hope you had a great shopping trip.

Anonymous said...

Cindi - It would have been so cool to meet you! Was I alone, or with the hubby and kiddo? Was it at Walmart? I saw a lady looking at me from another check-out line, and I thought she looked like maybe she knew me - but I wasn't sure. Anyway, next time just run up and tackle me. I always love meeting my blogger pals.