So, it's Friday - and guess what I'm doing? Going to see my doctor...
again. I'd like to elaborate about what's been going on, but it's quite personal. Hopefully I'll be able to share about it soon. For now, I just ask for your prayers. I
need to hand this issue over to God, and soon, or I'm going to go crazy! I'm on this awful rollercoaster ride right now, and I want OFF! (The only other rollercoaster I've ever been on is the one at
West Edmonton Mall, The Mindbender, and I went on it 11 times in a row).
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayer over the next few days. I hope that you feel God's peace as you go through this.
Heather, Know you are in my thoughts daily.
hugs, hugs & more hugs.
I'll be praying for you.
I know all too well the rollercoaster ride, of hanging tightly onto something that needed to be let go of, and fast, otherwise my heart would explode. God is with you, and He is for you. He never gives us more than we can handle, although in the middle of it, we would sometimes beg to differ. He is building something huge in you, and in the middle of the storm you might feel like you're not getting anywhere but I assure you God is doing more work on you now than ever before! On the very other side of this tidal wave is abundant blessing, and that is a promise. Don't be afraid of the wave, embrace it, it's safe. This will all be over soon, and you will look back at it all, and have such an amazing testimony to share with others, who will be walking these same trials. You will bring them hope. You are an amazing woman, God loves you so much! And He is so pleased with the way you are walking this out, even though sometimes you fall.
how have you been doing? I've been thinking about you.
Wondering how the doc appoinment went. You're in my prayers. :)
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