I was leafing through my book "What to Expect When You're Expecting" last night, and came across the section on "The Pregnancy Diet". When I was prego, I tried to eat healthier and tried to take in more greens, but I never followed this diet plan. As I read it, my mouth dropped open! How in the world could a person keep up with that kind of diet?! 5 lbs. of green veggies a day, 3 lbs. of yellow veggies or legumes, 1 lb. 'other' fruit, 2 lbs. red fruit/berries, 6 lbs. protein... these are exaggerated, but not by much! Maybe if I had TIME I could eat that much, and that specifically. Did anyone else keep a strict diet while they were prego? How did you manage it? Or maybe you just ate what ever you wanted to, and never thought much of it? I'm curious to know.
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I gained 50 pounds! I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, and 50 pounds later....I had become a house. This go around, I want to be much more healthy than that, there's no need to gain that much weight, if you're eating right. I have my days, but mainly I am trying to make good choices. I can't be perfect, and I still have fast food and potato chips every so often, but not nearly as often as I used to. You're right, that diet is a little harsh. I guess it would be good though.....if you're a cow.
i'm overweight to begin with...
but i only gained 24 lbs with Kamryn. I found that since I was so worried about her, and doing what was best for my pregnancy...I ate sooo much better. My dr. said it was the healthies she'd ever seen me. i just ate way better foods...but i also didn't stress myself out about it...if i wanted to eat something - i did, but in moderation. Kamryn was 8lbs 12oz...so i think i did pretty well. why don't i take that good of care of myself now???
i'm hoping if i get pregnant again, i could get back to that...
but we'll see. i'll probably gain 70 with the next kid.
i tried very hard to eat right. i have never been a person that ate breakfast, so i made sure that i started my day with something good. usually fruit, juice and whole grains. i ate probably 6 times a day. i had the best snack drawer at work. i think my co-workers loved me being pregnant.
heather i had a really really weird dream about you last night....it was just you trying to get pregnant and I think you were feeling happy and upbeat, adn for some reason your little niece(?) was in the dream, I think her name is Emily. Anyways all I remember is that her hair got bleached out to a light blonde. weird....that's all i remember!
Camille - that's hilarious! Maybe it was a sign from GOD!
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