Monday, March 27

Totally Transparent

Well, the appointment with my doctor went alright. Some fears were relieved, and some new ones developed. Today I need to call her and make another appointment. It's hard to explain all of this when I'm not really ready to explain everything that's been going on.

My sister-in-law tells me that I'm totally transparent. And she's right. I'm about as secretive as a highway sign board. People who know me well know that this is the truth. When I'm sad, happy, excited, depressed, angry, joyful, sentimental - it clearly shows on my face and in my actions. I can't hide anything. I consider this to be a good thing. I like to think of myself as "real". You never have to second-guess with me. I'm either happy, or I'm not, and you'll know either way. I don't fake happiness, and I don't fake sadness. So, maybe some of you already know EXACTLY what I'm dealing with without me even having to say it outright. That's okay. I just need you to keep praying about it. When I'm ready I'll post about it, but for now I like to think that I've kept this little issue somewhat private for the time being.


Janelle said...

Heather, i'm surrounding you in hugs...and though i don't exactly know what's going on - that doesn't mean i can't pray for you. i just really want you to be filled with peace. i love ya tons & am here for you anytime!

Unknown said...

The main thing is that God knows. Keep the Faith, Heath.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Heather, I love that you are transparent! So am I. It will be good to have you as a neighbor and to be real with each other. :0)
Give me a call some time and let me know how your weekend went.
One day at a time.
Love ya!

Nin said...

don't feel any pressure to share anything. God knows exactly what's up and what you need, and that's the God I serve.
Hope all is well with your soul.