Thursday, March 9

The Waiting Game

Last night I called my good friend Terrilee for advice. She told me that I could possibly have done the test too early - especially if my cycle is still somewhat obscure, or if my hormones are still out of whack. So, based on her (experienced) advice I will do the following: wait another week, and if I still have not had a period I'll do another test. If the test is positive - YAY! If it's still negative, then I will probably go see my doctor. So, the wait begins... but at least I'm feeling a little more upbeat.


Darlene Schacht said...

Oh, I'm hoping and praying, and waiting with you. God knows your desire--and He's good.

I love meeting Manitoba bloggers. I think I'll have to start a special list of you all on my blog. :) I think I'll do it right now!

Janelle said...

i'm smiling, because i know you are smiling!! yippeee!