Friday, January 8

Four Months

Wow, I don't recall any other time in my life when four months flew by so incredibly fast! My little baby Rayya is four months old already, crazy! Rayya continues to be a joy, and perhaps it's just simply the fact that I am now a second-time mom, but she seems so much easier than James was. Here are just a few things that she is up to in a day:
• Usually up at around 8:00am every day, and when she has had a good sleep, she will always be ready to greet us with a big grin, with her arms and legs waving wildly with the excitement of seeing us.

• She is drinking about 4oz. of Nestle Good Start every 3 hours during the day.

• She is all over the map with her daytime sleep. I don't really mind, as long as she continues to sleep through the night!

• She is usually sleeping through the night now from 8:30pm to 8:00am, with the occasional wake-up for a soother.

• She has not yet rolled over, but has come pretty close!

• She hates tummy time, so we don't do it much.

• She loves getting kissed, taking baths, being undressed, and being on her playmat.

• This week she started holding toys and sucking/biting them. She drools constantly, and I have to put a bib on her.

• Rayya won't take a bottle from anyone but me, and sometimes my mom.

• Rayya doesn't like to drink when I'm not moving - I have to hold her, walk around the house, and try to keep the bottle in her mouth all at the same time.

• At her last check-up she weighed 13lbs, and is now wearing 3-6 month sleepers.

• Her bottom gums are really swollen, so I think we'll be seeing those first teeth soon.

• Rayya says "hi", or at least she makes a sound that sounds an awful lot like it if you say "hi" to her.

• Rayya makes strange, and is extremely fussy in a crowd. Even when there are a few too many people in one house, she doesn't like it.

• Despite the above point, like the good girl that she is, Rayya loves the mall!


Carla said...

Awww, can't wait to see her again!!

Erica H said...

She looks SO much like her dad!

Trev and Rebekah said...

So cute. Looking forward to seeing her in spring.

Leslee said...

You guys have the most BEAUTIFUL's a plus that she loves the mall...she's starting early!!!!

Jobina said...

That hat is SO cute! You are through the hard first months and now get to enjoy the really fun months and all the growth and change that comes with them. So glad that you are finding it a little easier this time around!

Domestic Bloggess said...

Look at those beautiful big eyes! So sweet :)

Robin Fehr said...

Ooohhh... baby Rayya, you are growing up so fast!
I was just thinking today about how I don't make note of the 'current happenings' around here often enough.
(maybe I don't want to?... ha ha ha!)
She's a SWEETIE!

Becky said...

Oh, she is just SWEETNESS and light!

Jeremy said...

Cutie pie! Love that photo.