Monday, January 11

Very Unfunny

So... last night I was feeling particularly hungry, and kept finding new snacks to keep my tummy happy. I was also feeling a little funny, with a touch of light-headedness. Ryan took note, and made a comment about me being pregnant again. Har. Har. Not a chance. Or was there a chance? No. NO! Definately not... right?
Well, that comment planted a seed of paranoia in me. When Ryan left to go do a few things out of the house, I went straight to my room to find a lingering pregnancy test someone had left me (thanks a lot YOU). I thought I was just being silly, and because I hadn't bought the test then hey - it was something to do. Right?
I did the test, and IMMEDIATELY a line comes up boldly in both little windows. Oh. My. Word.
Envision complete shock, followed by a giggle, then nearly tears, and then just numbness. Oh. My. Word. This CANNOT be happening. No. NO. This is not the time. This baby would be due ON RAYYA'S FIRST BIRTHDAY. No.
I awkwardly went to find Ryan. Um, honey... I think I actually AM pregnant. He made a reference to needing some Scotch. What on earth! This can't be happening to me. I am NOT ready, SO not ready! I paced the floor a while, until I decided that I should perhaps call the original purchaser of said pregnancy test. Just to make sure. So I call and ask her if she recalls what the positive sign on this particular test was supposed to look like. I told her what mine looked like, and she was unsure, but kinda thought that "ya, I think that's what a positive sign is supposed to look like". Oh. My. Word.
But I was not convinced, and wasn't quite ready to allow this to be a reality. Sure, I would have been happy eventually - but let's all admit it, this would be too soon to really be in the PLAN. So I did what all good parents do when they don't know what to do... I Googled. I Googled "positive pregnancy test images". I searched and searched until I finally found one that had a picture of the same (or similar) test that I had taken. And there it was...
The BEAUTIFUL photo proved to me that I had to have a PLUS SIGN in the first window to be positive - not just a LINE! YAY! I was so relieved, so very, very relieved. But perhaps this was a delicate reminder that it may be time to look into some methods of "family planning" soon.
Funny now, but SO unfunny as it was happening yesterday.


Cindi said...

I know exactly how you feel! With one exception. I didn't get the relief of reading the test wrong! In August when baby #3 comes along, my little guy will be just over 13 months old! We're excited now, but I definitely remember the unfunny feeling!!!

Niki said...

Unfunny...but very very funny at the same time!

Carla said...

I think I may have thrown up... Thank the Lord for Google!

Wenona said...

Holy smokes! My heart was pounding just reading your post. I can't even imagine what was going through your mind. I think I would have thrown up as well! lol.

Kim Funk said...
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Dixie Vandersluys said...

The same thing happened with me last year. I didn't think of Google. I actually drove down to Superstore and found the pregnancies tests and look on the box!

What a relief!

Kim Funk said...
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Morgan said...

I think I would have been crying too hard to do the research you did. Good job on not losing it!

Robin Fehr said...

Ohhh... that is a funny funny story!! I had to come and read it again after hearing about it this morning!!

Jobina said...

Oh man did you ever have me going for a while there! I have a friend who's kids are 10 months apart, glad you escaped it, but you know, if it would happen, it would happen. You would work it out.

Erica H said...

I would've DIED!! I totally know that feeling. I had one of those exactly like you when Annika was 4 months old - I took a pregnancy test and SWORE I saw a positive line forming...I FREAKED! But then gave it the 5 minutes allotted, and there was nothing there. I was so relieved to get my first period after I know to be extra careful. :) Aaahahaaa...