Wednesday, January 27

Potty Training - Day 3

Wow! So after last nights success I felt a lot more hope and positivity coming into today's potty training. I was right to be positive, it's been going well.
First, James HAS to be naked. I dressed him this morning, and he peed almost right away. We then went out for a while, and he had no accidents (held it in). When we got home I immediately stripped him down, and let him run. While I was putting Rayya into her crib for a nap, James stuck his head in the door and whispered "I peed on the potty UPSTAIRS mom!". He hadn't used that one yet... so I was a little curious and nervous. But sure enough! Even when I wasn't there, he used the potty! I was PUMPED, and so was he, so we had a big Potty Party with marshmellows and jelly beans.

After his nap, which I dressed him for, I didn't immediately take off his clothes and that was a mistake. Again, he peed in his pants. However, he had TRIED to sit on the potty... so I didn't give him the cold bath. I just stripped him down, and let him run. He spent most of the afternoon doing what you see in the photo. Watching cartoons while on the potty - he actually seems to prefer to sit on the potty while undressed. Eventually, and again while I was putting Rayya down, he came up (with the bowl from the potty with him) to show me he had peed in the potty again! Yay for another Potty Party!

So... we are making serious progress. So far no poops on the potty though, and so far he doesn't seem to be able to get the idea of pulling down the pants/underwear himself to go. But the fact that he will independently go on the potty while undressed is AWESOME! The day is not over yet, but day three has produced a two-for-two thus far.
UPDATE: We have now had a successful POOP on the potty too! Yahoo!


Jamie said...

Slowly but surely! I'm glad you're seeing progress and I pray that it only gets better from here :)

Lindsay said...

that picture is priceless :) Way to go James!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Yeah, keep at it. Go James Go!

Tammy G. said...

Another hint once he is doing this well is to just where sweats or just wear panties so that it is only one thing to practice pulling down.
I also would take the portable potty in the van because it is impossible for them to hold it in the beginning.
lol, the thinks you do...

Domestic Bloggess said...

YAY! Sounds like you guys are figuring out what works for you all :) *So* glad to hear success stories!