Alright, so now that I've relaxed some I can tell you how things went today. First off, I knew that I had an army praying for me. A STRONG army, and it gave me so much hope that I found the strength last night to plead my case to Christ. In the morning my hope had been renewed, and I BELIEVED I could see a miracle happen. I told my hubby that I was going in with "my guns a blazin'"! There was a particular tech that I didn't want to have (again), but that was the only prayer NOT answered. I had the same old technician - but we didn't have to be in the "room of gloom". We were in a different room than I had been in before. He was nicer than usual, and more talkative which really helped me to relax. He didn't say much, but eventually he asked if my husband would want to come in and see. I said "yes"! When he left to get Ryan he told me that everything looked fine. When he came back he showed the baby to us. Heart was beating, and it had little arms and legs, and even turned to look at us! It wiggled around a lot! It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
I kept this page of verses with me during the ultrasound, and they really encouraged me. Thanks to everyone who shared special verses and songs with me. I listened and read ALL of them.
When I got home, my DOPPLER had arrived! I didn't win the one from Ebay though. I found a Canadian company online called "Dopplers to Diapers" who rent out hospital quality dopplers! They sent it to me within two days! I tried it out this afternoon, and guess what?! I heard a nice strong heartbeat right away! From my count it was 168 beats per minute. I have it for a month (or longer if I choose). I think this thing will be my new best buddy.
As far as baby goes, there are still lots of questions. Why the signs of trouble (which haven't totally gone away)? Why the dropping hormone level? I really hope that these are just little hiccups, and that we have nothing further to worry about. The stats of losing a baby after 11 weeks are pretty tiny. Keep us in your prayers!
Oh, and I finally snapped a belly picture this afternoon (as seen above)! I love how the sun is washing over the photo. Just God's love pouring out on us.