Monday, September 1

In More Detail

Emotionally and physically it feels that this miscarriage has been easier than the others. Maybe I'm just "getting used to it", and I just go numb when another pregnancy turns out badly. I'm not really sure. I could say the Christian cliché thing, something like "and God is keeping me strong through this", which He probably is, but I have so many questions for Him right now.

For one, I really had faith that the healing prayers said over me would be answered with a "yes". I put my heart and soul into those beliefs, and walked without question into this pregnancy feeling confident that my womb was healed - not in the future, but at that very moment.

We had been trying for a few months, and I had already wasted a few pregnancy tests. The month that I finally felt we were definately pregnant I did a test. It came back negative, but I was certain I must be pregnant. I decided I wasn't wasting another cent on pregnancy tests, so I just ignored the strong feeling. One day, while giving James his lunch I got an overwhelming urge to do a test. I actually heard God say, "Go and do a test, you will not be disappointed". I ignored it, and silently lectured myself about not getting my hopes up, and the waste of tests. Again, the strong urge to do a test, and the voice "Go and do the test, you will not be disappointed". So, I set James up with his spoon and went to do the test. After the usual instructions, I put it down on the floor and went back to James who was none too pleased that I had left him on his own in the middle of lunch! After he was done eating I went to check the test. Sure enough, there was the sign that I was pregnant again! I immediately burst into tears and jumped through the house saying "Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord!". I then reassured James that mommy was fine, and that she had a baby in her tummy.

The entire 10 weeks of pregnancy felt like it would be a keeper. I had some bleeding in the beginning, which the Dr. and I both felt was likely implantation bleeding. I felt SICK, and nauseous for most of that time - which I never did with the previous miscarriages. I was bloated, exhausted, and starting to feel tight in my clothes. Other parts of my body were showing very major signs of pregnancy as well, and I was sure this was a keeper! I asked God on so very many occasions how the baby was doing. Each time I felt He was telling me that the baby would be fine. Many other people came to me to tell me that they had strong feelings that this baby was going to fine as well. There were many faithful friends and family praying for the safety of this little one. What happened?

Finally, at the end of the 10 weeks I felt that I must have an infection or a small bleed, common in pregnancy, and something I had with James. My Dr. was on holidays, so I had Ryan take me to a walk-in on a Friday afternoon just so that I could get some peace-of-mind. The Dr. that saw me did an exam, and told me that everything was looking fine. That was not indifferent from my previous miscarriages though, so she booked me for an ultrasound the following Monday. The weekend seemed like an eternity, and the problem signs continued. Everyone was praying like crazy, and we all felt that this was just going to be a simple problem - nothing complicated.

Monday finally came and Ryan and I went to the ultrasound feeling optimistic. I was afraid to feel optimistic though, because my stats for good news in that room were low. I wanted to just trust the words that I felt I had from God that the baby would be fine. During the ultrasound I asked God to reveal to me where Jesus was. I felt that I saw Him over the shoulder of the technician, looking at the screen and giving me the thumbs up sign. When the technician left without saying much, and took a long time to return I already knew that it would be something bigger than just a minor problem. The Dr. came back with him, and those awful words "I'm sorry, but it doesn't appear to be good news".

Thankfully we didn't do the D & C in the same day like we did in January. I think all of that in one day was just too much to deal with physically and emotionally. All I wanted to do was get home to James. My baby. The one I GOT TO HAVE. So we went back the next morning for the D & C, which went fine.

So, where do we go from here? Once again we are told that there is no physical evidence for why the babies aren't surviving. They don't really start doing any tests until a third miscarriage in a row, so we likely won't be doing any testing at this point. I had already been completely off of all caffeine. One of the surgeons recommended that I take a higher dose of folic acid, which I'll start immediately. I don't really think I can do anything different. I couldn't even pray more the next time around - I was already praying every time I would think about it, and that was a lot!

I wonder now whether I am truly hearing from God. Why would He get my hopes up, and then allow them to be dashed? My faith has waivered, but to let Satan win would simply be letting him get his way - and I won't let that happen. I wonder what lesson I am to learn in all this. I can say that I am happy that one more of my children gets to go to Heaven, and that I will get to see them when I get there. I know that this one was a girl. I just felt the presence of a girl, as did many others. Anyway, that is where I am at right now. Some days are better than others. Like the poem I posted said, "How odd, a truly unique person has recently died and no one is mourning the passing". I sort of feel alone in my grieving - like there are very few others who realize how special this little baby was, and how truly sad it is that she didn't make it. I miss her, even right now, and how much I would have loved to see James be her big brother.

Almost more than self-pity and sadness, I feel for James. I want so badly for him to have siblings of his own flesh and blood. I think I want that more than I want the baby for myself. I just want a family, complete with siblings for James. I have not given up hope that I will see that dream come true. For now I am trying to remember:

Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. Matthew 6:34, The Message


Verna said...

I think if you haven't already, that you should give your baby a name. Our kids are going through a very rough time with their pregnancy (you can read about it on my blog) they found out they were having a boy at 22 weeks and they named him now already beacuse thay will not have the time with him later. When you name your little one and use her name when you talk about her, she will be remembered.

Tamara said...

Heather: I am so sorry for your loss yet again. Its very hard not to wonder where God is during all these hard times.

When you get pg again ask them immediately for progestrone supplements...I know this helped sustain my two pregnancies (hench my younger two kids) and I didn't have any problems....

God Bless you thou woman of GOD....


Becky said...

Oh Heather, you're not alone in your sadness. None of us can feel the kind of grief that you feel of course, but we are there with you in your hurt.

Many hugs sweetie. You are daily in my heart and prayers.

Becky said...

(I've heard that about the progesterone supplements too... Have you tried that?)

Trev and Rebekah said...

Heather, my heart has been flooded with questions on your behalf this week too. I don't get it. I really wasn't expecting such sad news when I called you on Monday.
Thank you for being so honest in your post.

Ang said...

yep, what Rebekah said...
I can't help feeling a glimmer of hope like, what's He got up His sleeve for you after all this...
p.s. Let me know if you find something in the mail today!

Robin Fehr said...

My prayers are with you as always. May God bring you comfort and healing.
Take care-

maresi said...

Heather, I know that God is holding you up right now. I'll keep praying for all of you.

(and I want to third the suggestion of investigating progesterone. I am convinced it is what helped my pregnancy be sustained.)

Nin said...

As I said in my email, I can not relate to losing a baby, but I can very much relate to losing a dream, a dream I was CERTAIN was going to come to pass, a dream that I, and many others, received (or so we thought) words from the Lord that this was in fact His will, and He would in fact carry it out to completion. When everything fell apart, and the exact opposite happened, I was FLOODED with questions.... why God? Not only why did you take my dream away, but much more so, why did you tell me it was all going to be ok? Why did you tell me and so many others that something else was going to happen? I was so confused.... and in my immaturity and very shaky and young foundation in the Lord, I fell away for a long time.
Looking back now, I can see ALL that God had planned, I can see how He had His hand on every step, every moment through that whole time. I can see that He did give me my dream, I just didn't know at the time what my real dreams were. (He knows your dreams, He knows what you desire for James... His plans for you are GOOD.) In the midst of it all, it was so hard to have faith, because I was walking through a tunnel, and all I could see was a blurry image at the end of it that didn't even resemble anything. Now that I'm out of that tunnel, and I can see the bigger image, and I see where He was leading me, all I can say is wow! His plans were so much greater than I could even fathom. With my human eyes, I was not even capable of seeing the true vision, it was so much bigger....
God has you on this journey for so many reasons. Reasons we can not possibly grasp or even try to.
"can you fathom the mysteries of God? can you probe the limits of the almighty? they are higher than the heavens, what can you do? they are deeper than the grave, what can you know? their measure is longer than the earth, and wider than the sea..." (Job 11:7-9)
I believe you did hear from the Lord, I believe He spoke to you, I believe He asked you to trust Him, and I believe you did. KEEP TRUSTING, keep trusting in what He said, that your baby is ok, that Jesus is standing right by you, and that your hope WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.
"Those who trust in Him will not be put to shame" (ro 10:11)
Here is a word that God gave me when I was walking out the loss of my dream.
"I am still confident of this, I WILL see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the LIVING.
WAIT for the Lord, be strong and take heart, and WAIT for the Lord"
(ps 27:13-14)

(He is so patient and loving with your questions and heartache. Go to Him...)

Wenona said...

I have been thinking and praying for you a lot this summer, it was a feeling I had. I'm so sorry for your loss and I pray that God will uplift you and your family during this time and show you His grace through it all. Take care.

Renee Shaw said...

Heather, I can't truely say how sorry I am for your loss. There are some things in life that we just can't understand or explain, and this is just one of those things. I know you for sure have a lot of questions for God and 1 day you will get to ask HIM in person. The important thing that you know now is just to keep an open heart and let God speak to you and comfort you. I fully believe that you heard from God to go take a test if you felt it so strongly. And who knows why God told you to do it and then the end result wasn't good, but 1 thing I do know is you obeyed Him and you did take the test. That is something to be very proud of, you obeyed what He said to do...God will keep revealing Himself to you Heather because I know (although we've never met in person) that you have a humble heart to serve Him and obey Him. I know that it must be hard and very easy to get discouraged, but I just want to encourage you with something that God spoke to my mom about a little over 3 years ago...
"I know the end from the beginning & for this too I have made provision"

Let that encourage you in whatever way it might!
I love you Heather!!!

Beth said...

Please know that you are not alone in your grief. I only had one miscarriage (and cannot imagine having 3) but I know what you mean when you say you miss her. I remember feeling "empty". I knew that my baby was a girl...I just had that feeling, like you do. Her name was going to be Bridget. And I too had conformation that all was well. My grandma knew I was pregnant before even I did and told my mom (who was going through a difficult time) that "the little one that is on it's way will bring us all joy". I still wonder about that...
I wish there were words that could take away the heartache but there aren't. Just know that you are not alone... I will continue to pray for you.