Monday, September 29


Today has been a little more challenging than some others. Maybe it's because I felt really lonely. My parents are away on a holiday, and Ryan is doing inventory at work and will be home late all week. My in-laws are preparing for a month-long getaway, and are busy trying to pack up and get ready. Friends are busy, the sky is cloudy, and I'm at home with an almost-two-year-old who doesn't want to do anything today but whine and have tantrums - and is only happy if I let him watch "TB". Sigh. On days like this I start to dwell on the bad things, and slowly lose sight of the good things. I try to fill my time, but it seems to just slip away into worried thoughts, and tearful memories. It's been tough to pray lately, and when the day gets lonely and I feel unable to talk to God it's even more unbearably quiet. I know that this is grieving, and it's normal. I just don't like the lingering cloud over my head today - it frustrates me and I can't just shake it off. Perhaps tomorrow will be sunnier around here...


Jolene said...

Wish I had something inspiration to share with you but I don't. All I can say is that from a distance I'm sitting under that cloud with you today. You put into words exactly how I have been feeling. At least tomorrow is a whole new day.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Wish I was there to give you a big hug. I love you and miss you A LOT!

Janelle said...

i love you & wish we lived closer today!

Robin Fehr said...

Hey Heather,
I enjoyed our visit yesterday:) and how we tend to meet up on main street without even planning it! Takes me back to those CG mornings!

I'll have to send you the pictures I took of James "shopping" at the co-op yesterday- what a cutie!
I hope you have a better day...

Niki said...

I'm sorry you're having a cloudy day...hope tomorrow is sunnier.

Erica H said...

I had those "cloudy day" feelings a couple of weeks ago. I was missing family, and hated living days away from all my friends...I just felt totally isolated and alone. Its a horrible feeling, but I would just cry out to God for his PERFECT PEACE and CONTENTMENT. That was my prayer, and remains my prayer for my life daily...thinking of you this evening.

Erica H said...

Check out Psalms 91. Really look at verses 9-16...hope it will give you a little peace, Heather, like has given me.

Anonymous said...

God is always with you. The Holy Spirit is praying for you. Jesus is interceding for you.

Although we have never met, I am praying for you too.

Domestic Bloggess said...

I've been feeling the same way - though oddly I'm surrounded by people at my new job the last 3 days, but all I want to do is be with my little man all day. The grass is always greener ...

Hoping the sunny skies today helped make things a little brighter.