Tuesday, September 2

Fair Hills and a Progesterone Question

As per tradition, we spent Labour Day weekend at Fair Hills Resort in Minnesota. The trip started off with the drive from home to Fargo for one night. We started off late, which didn't bode well for James' nap - which we had hoped he might nap from the border all the way to Fargo. He woke up before we got to Grand Forks, so we had a stop there to let him run a bit. Then it was back in the car for the ride from Grand Forks to Fargo. I had already assumed I'd be pulling out a DVD for him - but I never needed it! Our veteran backseat traveller played without a peep with his blankets and two cars ALL the way there! I read a book, and Ryan did the driving. I got to do some power shopping in Fargo. The best finds were: an adorable sweater for James (that I got 40% off, plus another 20% off with a coupon - making the final price 1/4 of the regular price here in Canada for the same sweater), a brown down jacket for me for 1/2 price, light-up Elmo shoes for James which ended up being buy 1 get the 2nd for $0.88, and James' birthday present - a train table, regularly sold here for $200 but on sale there for $90. On Friday we drove out to Fair Hills, and the rest of the weekend was a blur. The weather was hot and windy, but certainly better than cold and rainy.
James' first pony ride.
On the playground, directly outside our cabin.
We spent one afternoon on the beach, but James hated the waves. So, I filled up this kayak and he played in it for hours!
Daddy and James on the beach.
Of course we had to listen to the Bomber game on the car radio. There were some toys in the back of the van which kept James and Billy busy for a while.
I also have a question for those who suggested I take progesterone supplements. When do you start taking them, and can you take them even if you don't have a known progestrone deficiency? I've heard that a sign of low progesterone is a short menstrual cycle, but I have the opposite. I just wondered if you can be on them anyway, or if there would be side effects?


maresi said...

No, often a sign of low progesterone is not a short total cycle, but a short luteal phase. The reason I took them is because even though I had a crazy long cycle, my luteal phase (LP) was short (the time between ovulation and period). During the LP, your ovary produces progesterone to make your uterus a nice cozy home for baby until the placenta takes over, usually between 8-12 weeks. If you don't have a "normal" LP, your levels may be off. It's not the cycle that will be short, it's the LP (mine was usually less than 8 days, instead of the "normal" 14).
I was prescribed them after bleeding began around 6 weeks - 200 mg suppositories 2x per day. My levels pre-supplementation were 6.2, post-supplements it was 19.5. And all bleeding stopped.

THere's some controversy over whether supplementation does anything, but I am a believer.

Anonymous said...

You can also get a cream form of progesterone and you rub on your skin after you have ovulated...it can be used for a short LP like mentioned above...

Lena said...

Hi Heather,
I am not sure if you know me but I am a friend of Jolene's. I have taken a look at your blog periodically... and never commented. But i feel this time I should... I have had 3 confirmed miscarriages and I completely relate to the feelings your described in your previous post.

I seriously thought God Gave me peace that my last pregnancy would make it... but I lost it anyway. it was hard and confusing. It's these situations that just make you feel helpless.

I have been on progesterone as well and I would not suggest going on any medication without talking to your doctor. Progesterone works best when taken after ovulation. but it can screw you up royally if taken at the wrong time.

I had been trying 18months when i decided to go on it and thought i knew my cycle... well I had one cycle where I ovulated late. So because I took the progesterone mistakenly before ovulation- it left my hormones in disarray and not only that it made the lining of my uterus thin (confirmed by my fertility specialist).

My thin lining was the cause of my last miscarriage and it isn't a quick problem to fix... it takes time to get to an ideal thickness.

My suggestion would be to take a break and get in with Heartland clinic if you haven't already.
I hope I was of some help... I know more than I should about all this stuff.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Heartland might not be a bad idea?!
It was good to hear from you today.
I love you lots!

Anonymous said...

I took the supplements as soon as I got my BFP...(after my miscarriage)I got a script from my OB and I used them 2xs a day. Never miscarried after that...its just a thought...I wouldn't do anything without a dr's approval...if you want to email me my email is btbpitman@sbcglobal.net


Anonymous said...

I definately wouldn't try anything without my Drs. consent! I'll be seeing her this week. Right now the plan is to try one more time, and if that fails we will seek a fertility specialist. Thanks for all the advice. I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Heartland Clinic was suggested to me too after losing 2 babies around 7-8 weeks (had a healthy baby before that), but didn't need to go as I tried a herbal supplement/tonic first and it worked right away. Now I'm 22 weeks preg. with no problems-PTL! It's called False Unicorn from Nature Sunshine. Florence (Brian) Dyck in Winkler sells it. If you're open to natural medicine, I believe it's worth a shot. It helps for m/c and infertility too.

Erica H said...

Glad you could make a weekend of memories with your family. And I still think about you, and I will be praying for you as you try for a baby. Although its sometimes hard to see, God IS in control!

Wenona said...

I took progesterone cream before I got pregnant with Koen, but I had gotten my eyes read and my herbalist suggested that for me since I was ovulating weird. It worked great for us, but yes, definitely check things out with your Dr. or herbalist first. Blessings to you.

Anonymous said...

I have heard of False Unicorn, and would be more interested in going that route first. I'll look into it - thanks!

Ang said...

Thanks for posting pics. Our boys are obsessed with James pictures and their "James shirts". Can't wait to pile them together into pics again this Christmas...I think they will enjoy each other more now that they've had an introductory visit.

Warren & Liane Thiessen said...

Hi Heather,
I know this is a little late, but I wanted to share my experience with progesterone.
After my second miscarriage and when they found out I had a heart shaped uterus, my Dr said next time she'll get me progesterone pills. I had just found out I was pregnant again when I started bleeding. My Doctor gave me a prescription right away and I started taking them the same day. The bleeding wad exactly the same way as with the previous miscarriage. I was scared, but it never got stronger (which it did fast when I had my second miscarriage) after a couple of days it stopped! As you know I now have a healthy girl and I TRULY believe that the progesterone saved my baby's live.
By the way I took until I was 14 weeks along.

Still praying for you!
