Friday, September 5

The Plan

I like having a plan - it makes me feel like I have just a tiny, microscopic bit of control over things that will happen in the future. That is why I feel quite good after meeting with my Dr. yesterday afternoon. I now have a PLAN. I'm not doing anything drastic, but we have a few things that we are going to try when we are ready to start the process of getting pregnant again. I've just been feeling so helpless in my last two pregnancies, so it makes me feel a lot more optimistic that this time we will at least be doing something different that could potentially help. There are no guarantees, and I'm fine with that. I'm just happy knowing that I have some options, and perhaps the options will help us keep our baby. I'm feeling pretty good about it all. I'm still having a hard time talking to or trusting God with this next pregnancy. I suppose that will take some time to heal. I will still be praying, but I have a hard time allowing myself to have any faith that it will make any difference. I do trust God's plan for me too - Jeremiah 29:11-13 - but sometimes His timing is SO different than mine, and that is hard to accept. (Photo: Pregnant with James at 28 weeks)


Jilly said...

I totally know how you feel about having a plan and about trusting God after feeling let down. I'm glad that having a plan is making you feel a bit better.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Glad we talked yesterday.

Jamie said...

A plan sounds good! I'm glad that you're discovering options and tangible things you can do. I agree there is some relief found in having even a small measure of control. I've been thinking of you lots. Thanks for keeping us all updated.

Janelle said...

babe, you know i know the feeling of not being sure exactly HOW to trust God. but i think we both can agree that we CAN trust Him, no matter how much pain we have been through, and how much doubt can be in our hearts. He IS walking with us, and He's holding us close, and He allows us to have friends like each other so that we can tell each other we love each other & uphold each other in prayer. i love you sweets. keep looking towards the plan, and let Him do the rest.

Tamara said...


Wenona said...

I'm happy for you that you can go forward with a plan. Praying for you.

Erica H said...

I'm happy for you that you have this plan to encourage you. I'm really hoping this plan will work for you and your hubby. Thanks for your honesty, helps knowing how to pray for you.

mary grace said...

Just wanted to send cyber-hugs in your direction. I know so well what you're going through. GOD is bigger than a m/c.