Tuesday, January 15

Pregnancy Paranoia

I'm having a really hard time not being paranoid with this pregnancy - which is not indifferent to my two previous pregnancies! I don't know why, but since the beginning something in the back of my mind wants me to believe that something is going wrong. I have fought feelings like this most of my life, as I come from a family of worriers. I never wanted to be one, but it seems like I've genetically been cursed with the worry wart syndrome. I haven't been able to rest properly, and every single time I go to the bathroom I'm checking to make sure there are no signs of trouble. I did have some issues a couple of weeks ago, so my Dr. gave me a WinRho shot - but she says that there isn't anything showing up that would indicate that I need an ultrasound. I'm trying to trust that - and I know these fears are from Satan. He's just really attacking me right now, and I'm finding it too tiring to fight him off. I just want to hear that baby's heartbeat, that's all I want.
In the meantime, my grandma is getting married in May and has asked my cousin and I to be her bridesmaids (her two granddaughters). I am quite excited about it - except that I'll be 6 months pregnant and need to find a dress! I looked online for some maternity bridesmaid dress ideas. The ones I'll post below all look much the same, but I think they may have possibilities. I don't know what colour we are going with yet. My favourite is the pink one on the right. Hopefully we're not wearing pink though - I look awful in pink!


Andrea said...

I know EXACTLY how you are feeling...I am the same way, even though I am already 20 weeks pregnant...but I still am such a worry wart about it all. Sigh...we just need to trust God more...but hey, that's easier said than done, isn't it? I know that now that I can feel the baby moving I am just SO paranoid about it NOT moving, etc...hopefully we can get over this pregnancy paranoia thing, and I sure hope everything goes SO well for both of us!

Amber said...

I was a maid of honor @ 36 weeks pregnant, you can pull this off with ease ;) You will be stunning!

Cute pictures of James in the previous post. His eyes are incredible!!

Renee Shaw said...

Of course in those first few weeks, until you hear the heartbeat people always have a little something in the back of their mind, but ya know you just have to speak the Word. There are a lot of scriptures that you can speak over yourself daily, and ya know that is the only way to fight of those fears that Satan is putting in your head. You were not born with "worry wort" syndrome, worrying might go with your personality or how you grew up, but it can be beat!!! Praise God, you're a Christian so just daily speak the Word whenever you feel fear coming on. Write out scriptures and post them in the kitchen, or in the bathroom or anywhere really! Speak them when you see them, it will really help to build you up spiritually so you can handle those thoughts of fear when Satan throws them at you. And it will get easier the more confident you are, because the more Satan tries to throw something at you, and you just tell him off, he's gonna back off because he knows that nothing compares to the name of JESUS!!!!

So cute that you're going to be a bridesmaid!

Jamie said...

I hope you hear that baby's heartbeat soon to set your mind at ease :) And I'm sure you'll look fantastic as a bridesmaid - at least you'll be preggo enough to look definitely pregnant and not that awkward in between stage.

-Me- said...

Remembering you in prayer, Heather. Satan is such a jerk sometimes, isn't he? As for the wedding, you will look amazing I'm sure, you are so beautiful!!!!!!!

Jilly said...
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Jilly said...

About the bridesmaid dress situation. It might be easier if you look not just specifically at maternal dresses, but also at dresses that have a style that can accommodate your expanding belly :) There are a lot of dresses out there right now that have that kind of style. I have two bridesmaids in my wedding that will be pretty pregnant at the wedding, but I didn't get them maternal dresses. I just got a dress that has an empire waist and just flows down into a bubble hem and it will work just fine :)

Hope that helps :)

Jill :)

Lindsay said...

Praying for peace.

Janelle said...

i can totally understand why you are feeling the way you do - but just look at your beautiful little miracle...wow. He is FAITHFUL to YOU Heather, and will take care of you no matter what comes...
and i totally love the pink dress on the left - wish i could have it even though i'm not preggo! how exciting that your Grandma is getting married!!! :)

Erica H said...

I will remember to keep you in my prayers, heather. I was looking at your pregnancy ticker and it says you're 10 weeks already! Wow, how time flies! :)