Tuesday, January 29

The Gift of Giving

I believe that I have been blessed with the gift of gift-giving! I love to give gifts, and it gives me a lot of joy to shower people with blessings. I like coming up with ideas of what to get for people, and I love to shop for these things until I find the perfect thing. Recently, I decided that I needed to keep my gift-giving under control, so I made a decision to only give one gift a week and keep to a certain price range. It has been helpful to me to do this, and I enjoy spending time each week praying about and preparing my next weekly gift.
Receiving gifts is also one of my love languages, and therefore, I tend to use gifts as a way to show love as well. Unfortunately, I don't think that receiving gifts is a great love language to have because it can be very unfulfilling. Particularly if your husband, family or close friends aren't necessarily gift-givers! It's not their fault at all, and yet to a person with this love language it is easy to feel unloved and neglected.
However, this week I have felt overwhelmed with love. It's not only because I received some gifts - I also got some really neat emails and phone calls. It was special to get some unexpected gifts though. Pictured below are some of the blessings that I received this week - as well as a waffle breakfast, a free lunch and some banana chocolate chip muffins too! Thanks to my friends and family who blessed me in this way this week, and thanks to God for knowing my need to be blessed.


Erica H said...

you are SO blessed with such wonderful friends! And from what I've heard/seen you do such a good job with blessing people around you...God will reward that.

-Me- said...

I'm with Erica....God is definitely going to reward you for your generous spirit!!!! I'm sure that people around you are truly blessed...I love giving gifts too, it's so nice to make other people feel loved..also, great to hear that you were blessed in return!! Have a great week, Heather! How's James doin these days?

Trev and Rebekah said...

I am glad you felt blessed and encouraged. You should. You are one special woman who loves others deeply so I am glad you have felt loved in return.