Tuesday, January 1

New Year Complaints

Well, we didn't exactly ring in the New Year with style this year. New Years Eve started off with a trip to the city with my mom to take James to the pediatrician. I had basically figured out what he had, but when your little son is barking like a dog/seal it causes concern that can really only be put to rest by a Doctor.

I love the pediatrician that we see at the walk-in. She is one of those people that make the world a better place by reassuring mothers that they are doing the best job that they can. Then she gives you a straight forward answer to your child's problem with no "maybe" or "it might be", and then the kicker - she always offers a solution, remedies and ideas to help make it better. I just love her.

So, after a fairly survivable wait at the walk-in we got in to see her and she affirmed my initial thoughts that he has croup. It is a virus, and so that means we can't give him anything for it and it has to run it's course. I don't know if you have ever heard a child with croup - but it sounds TERRIBLE! It basically sounds like he could cough up a lung at any given moment, or completely stop breathing. Cold air is good for it, so now is the one time when it doesn't completely suck to have a sick kid in the middle of winter. Okay, it still sucks, but at least the cold air helps this particular problem. Thank the dear Lord, James somehow seems to still be able to sleep through the night despite the seal-like coughing. This is a complete God-send, because these days I cannot function without some sleep. Cough medications are not recommended for croup either, so we are just putting our faith in a cool mist vaporiser, Vicks Vapo Rub and prayer.

All that being said, James being sick and my being pregnant (in my first trimester) is not a great combo. He requires extra attention and patience, and I am lacking both of these. He also wants to be in my arms at all times, and this is not very comfortable anymore. I am semi-nauseous all day, crampy, grouchy, emotional, my back hurts and of course there are few other aches and pains not worth mentioning. It hasn't been fun for the two of us in this little predicament together. Poor Ryan is stuck at home this week with the two of us, and although it's basically been the only reason why we've survived, I'm quite sure he is looking forward to going back to work next week. Oh boy, I'm NOT looking forward to that at all.

James is getting his MMR shot tomorrow morning. Apparently it's fine, even if he has croup. As long as there is no fever, he is getting the vaccination. I know that many people have been discussing the pros and cons of vaccinating. Well, here is one reason why I am having James vaccinated...

Child with polio.

However, all this complaining still leaves me with a huge smile on my face. My son will be happy and healthy again, and I love him more than anything I have ever loved before. My hubby still seems to love me despite my frustration and tears. And, in about 7-8 months, we will have another perfectly lovely addition to our family - for whom I would have done all of this over again a million times. "God is so good - He's so good to me."


Kim Funk said...

Aidan has just recovered from croup, it was terrible. have lots of steam showers and bring him in with you it helps ALOT! that advice was given to me and it helped us!! and aidan was also taking 2 naps a day sometimes 3, he just needed that extra rest..that also helped..but yes unfortunately croup does need to run its course.

I will keep james in my prayers and hopefully it wont take long for him to get better.
take care of yourself as well, the last thing you need is to catch a cold as well.

Roo said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! you have a baby growing in your belly. so exciting.

sorry james has been so sick. that's hard.

i also had shiloh vaccinated. it felt right in my heart and i belive in our situation it was the right thing to do. ya just gotta listen to that mama heart. you're the mama after all!

shalom friend.

Trev and Rebekah said...

I hope the little man gets better soon as we really need a play date for the boys. June is fast approaching and I need to spend time with you too. :0)
We are so excited about the little peanut and can't wait to meet her?!

Melanie said...

Croup is so hard to watch. My baby had it for a long time (or so it seemed then), I cried with her while she barked and struggled to breathe. Then she somehow contracted pneumonia at the same time... oh I never wanna go through that again! I hope that James will feel better soon, and I will pray that you and him can BOTH get some needed rest.

Drea said...

Caleb had croup at one point. Cant remember when so that just shows it wasnt to bad for us.

That polio shot is scary. we're debating right now getting Taite a few vaccines. The MMR tho ill wait on a bit.. im just not comfortable with it yet.

And congrats on the pregnancy!!! how fun!!! cant wait to see ur belly grow again. you had one of my fav. preggo blogs.

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! I am 11 weeks!!

Hope James gets over his croup!!

Nin said...

cannot believe you are pregnant again!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Oh my goodness! Were you guys trying?? Wow, I'm so happy for you! :) I can imagine how this might be bitter sweet, with a fear in the back of your mind, but I just pray that God would bring his peace to your heart and that you would be able to embrace every aspect of this pregnacy, even in this "early time". Be so blessed mommy!

Daniel has had croup twice now....and it sucks. We found that the cold air helped more than the steam, although we did both. He sounded the worst at night, so we would give him steam in the bathroom right before bed, and cold before we would go to bed, so we'd wake him up bundle him and take him outside. It's hard to hear them so sick, and that cough....man....it's awful. But your little guy will be better in no time and back to his old self. I pray that God brings healing to his little body SOON so that you can find more rest durring the day as you grow this new baby.
Congratulations again, God is so good.

Heather said...

croup is horrible. really scary. we were hospitalized with noah over christmas - he has a very severe case. its hard to watch them go through that. heres to hoping your little guy is on the mend and you all get some rest!

patti said...

wow. congrats. sure wasn't expecting that. what a wonderful surprise.

hope you are finding the energy to make it through the days. thinking of you.

Dixie Vandersluys said...

Congratulations, Heather! I hope everything goes really well with the pregnancy. Take care.

Jamie said...

Hey Heather - I hope James feels better soon! I just read your last post too and am so excited that you are expecting baby #2!! I hope that little one stays safe and sound in your belly until August :)

Nin said...

thinking of you...
hoping this first trimester is treating you well, that you're being supernaturally rested and rejuvenated for little James.
Praying for you, bless you mommy of soon to be two.

Elina said...

I hope James is feeling better. Big congrats to your family on your expected addition! How exciting!