Saturday, January 19

Could It Get Any Better Than This?

I had to ask myself if life could really get any better than this. I loved my entire day today - with the exception of one little part, which I'll explain later.

God has been moving mountains in my life lately, and I just can't praise Him enough for it. A few months ago things were pretty rocky in various areas of my life, and I didn't know how things were going to turn out. As usual, I had to make a very conscious effort to hand my troubles over to God. Without any argument, He took my troubles, and opened my eyes to a possible solution. When I obeyed His word, and did as He told me, He blessed me by making the solution a cure. I was in awe.
Not only that, but He blessed me with a friend to help me make more changes in my life than I ever thought was possible. The day that I had a D & C after our miscarriage I was introduced to Rebekah. I don't remember how it came to be that our friendship blossomed, but God knew that I needed her in my life. Rebekah has taught me so many things in the last two years, I just have to thank God that she came when she did. I'm a totally different person, and my faith has grown beyond measure with her discipleship. When I already felt totally blessed to know her, God decided to take it a step further and move her and her family NEXT DOOR! He truly is a God who wishes to lavish love on us! It has been amazing to have my best friend live next door. It breaks my heart that she and her family will be leaving on missions this year - but I am so proud of her, and know that she can change other people's lives the way she has changed mine. I'm going to miss her. However, she has planted seeds in my life that have taken root and are producing fruit. Some of these things are that I finally feel I know what my gifts are, and how I can use them. I also am learning how to hear God's voice - and OBEY it. Sometimes that means doing things that I think seem kind of weird, or that I don't want to do. In every case that I have just listened to God, I have been blessed 10-fold. I'd love to tell you all of these stories, but it would take days.

But how does all this contribute to my day? It just feels like I am walking on air these days. I am happier than I ever have been. Often trips to the city mean that somewhere along the line I'll get into an argument with my husband. Today we didn't even really come close, and I felt like we worked together like a true couple that loves each other. James was awesome all day, and never ceases to capture the eyes of strangers who come to tell us what a great little boy we have. We just glow with pride - he truly is great!

We went to the city today right after lunch. Ryan did a few returns and exchanges, and then we headed to the mall to get our passport photos taken. I wish I could post them - they are SO hilarious! We all look like criminals! After photos, we had to go pick out new Robeez for James. I would usually tend to do this on my own, because I like to get the ones that I like. I decided to let Ryan choose this time though - and he chose the ones I wanted! So cool! We then visited some friends for a little while, and then went to Grapes for supper. Supper was good, and James was quite well-behaved. The only trouble was that James had a major poopy diaper while we were there. I went to the bathroom to change him, and like usual, put him on the change table and the diaper bag on the floor. After getting him all changed, I picked up the diaper bag and it was soaking wet. Gross. Then I noticed that it was soaked because one of the toilets was flooding the bathroom. GROSS! I don't even know what to do about the diaper bag now - if I didn't love it so much, I'd just throw it away and get a new one. Ew.

Anyway, I just had a fabulous day and wanted to share some of the joys in my life right now. Of course, needless to mention is the new little life growing inside me right now. Some of my anxiety has gone away, and I'm feeling much better - just one more reason to give glory to God! Be blessed friends!


Anonymous said...

I just got passport photos taken for me and the kids this week and they all look TERRIBLE. They gave the kids cookies to eat so that they would have their mouths closed and indeed, their mouths are closed. But (and this should come as no surprise) they LOOK LIKE THEY'RE EATING COOKIES! And they made me take off my glasses. It was brutal!

Renee Shaw said...

Yay!! I'm so happy that you had a great day! I love when those come!

patti said...

glad you such a great day with your family.

it's so great to see how God is working in your life through people and teaching you.


-Me- said...

Rebekah really is a great lady, I could tell that the instant I met her this past summer...BUT SO ARE YOU!!!!! It's wonderful that God has blessed you with each other also! I'm so happy to hear that you had a happy day as well, and that God is working on you!!! This post was a blessing!!

Jamie said...

I'm so glad you found such a great friend in Rebekah - a friend like that is such a blessing!

We got our passport pictures taken today and I totally know what you mean about the criminal comment :)

Trev and Rebekah said...

Okay, that brought tears to my eyes. I really appreciate you Heather and though I will miss you, I won't forget you. I am so thankful that my closest friend here in Rosenort is just next door. Thanks for teaching me the many things that you have too.

Erica H said...

Wow, its so great that you have found such a close friend. You are very blessed! :)

Nin said...

aw!....I was so blessed by this post. God is so good to us! I had no idea that you and Rebekah didn't actually meet eachother until right after the miscarriage. wow.....God is so amazing, knowing the moments we need Jesus "with skin on", and sending those faithful few to us in our time of need.
I want to encourage you that God may be taking you into a new season. He has blessed you RICHLY with such an amazing woman of God to walk with you closely in your walk, to disciple you and teach you. I feel like now He wants to raise you up, as you said, in the giftings He's given you, to go out and preach what you've heard. To take others under your wing and seed into them all the awes and wonders that have been planted in you. And YES, the seeds planted have beared MUCH fruit. You are a completely different person than two years ago! And to catch that just over a blog, that means serious changes have taken place. He has been shaping you and prunning you, and preparing you for a new road, to go out and preach the gospel to all the world, baptizing them, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded, and surely HE IS WITH YOU.
You have blessed my socks off! I love reading you blog, I love receiving emails from you, I love that you have such a heart that's on fire for God. He WILL FINISH WHAT HE'S STARTED, He will bring all the promises He's given you to completion.
"Well done good and faithful servant, well done" -Your Father

matt&ruth said...

Heather - thanks so much for your comment on my a fellow blogger, you know how great it is to get comments :) Your little guy has the biggest blue eyes I've ever seen - adorable! And Caleb also has the sleeper with the alien and bugs on it - yay for Costco :)

Dianna said...

I haven't been by for awhile due to being occupied with family more so. It was refreshing to catch up on your life and I want to encourage you to be a strong vessel it will not go unnoticed to unbelievers if you lay it on the cross. God will uphold you. Keep the faith!!
Rebekah looks like a truly amazing woman ans I say that because I truly admire people with a heart for mission.