Sunday, April 8

A Tearful Thought

Today Ryan and I attended Springs Church with his parents. It was a good service, with the usual loud, exciting worship, flashing lights and fanfare. James went to their Nursery babysitting service, which was a little nerve-wracking for me - but it was a nice break, and he did stunningly well.

Pastor Leon Fontaine is a very dynamic speaker, and I usually enjoy his messages. Today, being Easter, he gave an analogy that brought me immediately to tears. He talked about taking his young son out onto a bridge a few years ago at Springtime. The water was high, fast and cold and there were large flows of ice making their way down the river. As any father would do, he warned his son to stay close - knowing well the dangers of falling into the icy water. Being a typical boy, his son ran ahead, put his hands on the railing of the bridge and flung his little body up over the edge to take a peek below. Pastor Leon said his heart nearly left his body, and of course, scolded his son soundly for not being obedient, and reminding him of all the things that could have happened. He then said, "My brain continued to work - even though I didn't want it to - and I thought to myself 'What if he had fallen in? Would I jump in after him, knowing well that I would not be able to save him, but simply so that he would not die alone? As any father would, I knew that I would jump in with him'." He compared this to the fact that we would likely not jump in for the sake of stranger, and yet this is what Jesus did for us. It was Jesus' sacrificial love that is beyond compare. I couldn't help but to be ashamed at myself for not readily accepting a love like that. I seem to fight it so often, thinking I am not worthy. But then I think of how I would jump into that icy water to be with my son, and realize that God loves me so much more so than that. I hope this Easter you are reminded of how much you are loved, not only by your family, husband, wife, children, friends... but by God Himself. He would jump into the icy water for you, just to be with you. He was beaten, killed, and rose again - just for you. If you were the only person on Earth, He would do it again. That is a love beyond compare, a gift given to you. You are worthy of that gift. You deserve it. Take it, accept it, live it, and share it.


Trev and Rebekah said...

Thanks for the pictures Heather.
Glad you had a good Easter.
Your mom did a great job on Sunday.

Chelle said...

I came across your blog in a random blog search. My husband and I live in a small town in southern Manitoba and attend Springs Church, as does most of my family. Small world! :-)

Kim Funk said...

Love your new blog look!!