Monday, April 23

Oh, Could It Be?

Last night was one of the best we've had in weeks! I am crossing my fingers, knocking on wood, and of course, PRAYING that this might be the start to a better sleeping trend. James took a long 2 1/2 hour nap from 4:00pm - 6:30pm yesterday evening. We finally woke him up, because we were worried that he might sleep too long! We kept him up until 9:00pm (he usually goes down between 7:30 and 8:00). I gave him some oat cereal, and a 6 oz. bottle. We've also been giving him Ovol during each feeding, starting at bedtime, as he seems really gassy at night. He finished off the bottle, and went down to sleep at 9:30pm. He woke again at midnight, fussed a little bit, and then went back to sleep without any help. The next time he woke up was at 3:00am. Ryan fed him, and then he slept until 6:30am. He stayed happy and talked to himself in his crib until I went in there at 7:00 to get him. I was greeted with the cutest toothless grin. It was great!

I've also been able to live my dream a little bit this morning. After James was born I wanted to become a labour & delivery nurse. We can't afford the schooling right now, and I'm not actually sure that I want to be a nurse officially. However, this morning I was able to go over to my neighbour Rebekah's place and play nurse! It was so fun to help her out with Isaiah! I made her some breakfast, burped Isaiah (or tried to at least), changed his diaper and just tried to be encouraging. It was so great - I loved it! Hopefully I won't overwhelm her by wanting to be there to help all the time. Hahaha!

I've also been contemplating organizing a Ladies Blogger Brunch. If I did so, would you come, or be interested in coming?


Heather said...

hello?? you should become a doula.. that seems perfect for you. i have taken my birth and postpartum training and am a certified birth doula and you would LOVE it.
i would totally do a brunch. would love to help, love to come. great idea!!!

-Me- said...

Hey Heather! I'm so happy that James gave you a good night...I feel bad even saying it because I don't want to jinx you! Anyhow, I agree that a doula would be a great job for you! I wish sometimes that I had some neighbors to play nurse for me! The first few weeks are really hard, and I'm sure Rebekah really appreciates you being there!!! Also, how cool would a bloggers brunch be! Baby friendly also, I'm sure!!!!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Love the brunch idea.
Thanks so much for being an amazing friend and neighbor. :0)

Janelle said...

i love the brunch idea too! what's a 9 hour drive for some great food & company! :)
i know Rebekah probably so appreciates all your help! i think you'd make an awesome nurse!
there are more needed in this world!

Stacey said...

A blogger brunch sounds like fun!

Erica H said...

Yay! I hope this night is as good as the last for you and James! A blogger brunch would be awesome!

Happy 5 months, cutie-pie James!!!

Jamie said...

Oh, I wish I lived closer. I'd love to join in a blogger lunch! I'll be there in spirit anyway :)

Glad to hear you had a good night. Isn't it an amazing feeling to wake up after a night like that. It makes you feel like you'll get through it after all!

We've been having sleep success here too (see my blog for details). I've decided to take the tough love approach and it seems to be working so far. Here's hoping that both our sleep troubles might be over!

Ang said...

lil pooper, sending kisses to that forehead. (sorry, typical comment, the feelings there though)

The Keowns said...

wow I can't believe how fast your guy has grown. I feel like it was yesterday you and Jamie were waiting to pop.
you are such an awesome friend to help rebekah out. I know how tough c-section recovery is and all the help i could get was a true blessing. She is blessed to have you

Teri said...

three words - post-partum doula! or doula-ing in general :)

Teri said...

three words - post-partum doula! or doula-ing in general :)

Anonymous said...

hey heather! So curious to know how these last couple nights have been for James' sleeping?? We have been having some baaaad nights over here in the Hildebrand house...hoping there is better news on that end.

Anonymous said...

Erica - Sorry to hear you are having rough nights! That is NO fun! We seem to be on a stretch of good nights here now. James has only been up once a night (between 11:30pm and 7:00am) for the last three nights. This morning he was up at 6:00am though, but my hubby is usually up around then anyway to get ready for work. That is a little early though. What's Annika's eating schedule like? We tried what Jamie was doing with Keziah, a four hour schedule, and that seems to be doing the trick. He eats less often, but he eats more.

Cindi said...

A blogger's brunch would definitely be fun! I still haven't met many people since I moved out here in September and would love to meet some, as many babies and toddlers as there would be in that one place would be fun!

Dianna said...

blogger brunch sounds like a plan! Right on!

Jamie said...

I'm so glad the 4-hr schedule's been working so well for you. I'm loving it and how it works with Keziah's naps right now. If nothing else it means she wakes up every 4 hours at night instead of 3 ;)