Thursday, April 26

For Kids & Cats

Seems the cats like James' toys almost as much (or more) than he does! Lately he has really been taking notice of them, and reaches out to touch (actually more like grab) them as they walk by. They are in serious trouble once he is mobile!

I am in the works of trying to set up a Blogger Brunch. I am thinking that the date will be Saturday, June 2 - so postmark your calendars!


Domestic Bloggess said...

Do the cats like James? Because our dog seemed relatively fine with Palmer until he recently became mobile. Now she won't eat as often and just looks so sad. It's like she's annoyed that he's in her space more now than before.

I hear you on the grabbing thing - I'm trying to teach him the word gentle but it's still tough for an almost 9 month old to understand the concept!

Sad times that I live 13 hours away because I'd love to be a part of a blogger brunch and get to meet you. You'll have fun for certain ... enjoy the planning!

Janelle said...

can i join via satelitte?

Drea said...

awe makes me miss yuki :-(
Our cat use to sleep in the net/basket part under our bassinet. He loved it.

Dianna said...

Pls send me your e-mail address and I will add you to my blog once again cause I made it private. Thanx,Dianna

Wenona said...

That's a pretty cat! Lots of long hair for James to pull! haha.
I think it's a great idea that you are planning a brunch. I'll keep my day open - we'll see what happens!