Wednesday, December 20


James asleep in his Baby Bjorn carrier.

Just a quick update: Things are going pretty well over here. We still have no real schedule, but James seems to eat about every 3 hours during the day (give or take), and 4 hours at night (give or take). Lately he is really fussy in the evenings, so I'm trying to learn what makes him happier at that time. Sleep helps me cope and feel more normal, so when he sleeps - I sleep. That is why I blog so little these days! He also really loves the swing he got from his grandma and grandpa Kroeker for (early) Christmas! He is in it right now, and has been asleep for an hour. Too bad it runs on batteries, if anyone wants to get us something for Christmas, get us D size batteries!!! I'm getting really excited, but also VERY nervous for our trip. We leave on Monday, fly to Vancouver, stay overnight and then fly to Maui. If you want to pray for us that would be MUCH appreciated. I'm mostly worried about feeding him in the airport and the plane. I just hope he eats well and sleeps lots! Merry Christmas to all of you, and a happy new year. Can you believe it? Last year we were mourning the loss of our baby, and this year we have one! God is good - faithful - and He will answer your prayers, you just have to wait sometimes. With all my love... Heather.


Jamie said...

James looks so peaceful in the carrier! You're going to do great on your trip and I'm sure it will all work out - feedings, etc. The airplane noise will probably be calming for James and hopefully he'll sleep most of the way! I'll keep you in my prayers, though, b/c I KNOW it's stressful and you've got a longer plane ride than I did!

Keziah has been fussier in the evenings, too - it's the classic fussy time for most babies I think. She just doesn't really want too nap much then so it means carrying her around more. Once they're a little bit older you can distract them with toys, etc, but they're still a little young for that!

Can you believe our babies will be one month old this week? It has gone by really fast for me.

I agree that I should maybe stop reading books that make me worry! There's really no sense comparing my baby to what's "normal" - is there even such thing as "normal" anyway??

Anyway, thanks so much for giving me your email. Mine is - feel free to email any time!

Wenona said...

I will definately be thinking and praying for you over the next week. Just don't be too nervous, God will handle everything. James will sense if you're calm, and that will make him calm too. All the best!

Unknown said...

man, I love this post.
Be blessed Pletts

Kimberley said...

I´ll be praying for you. Hope you guys have a relaxing time. And... God is definitly amazing for all that he has done this year in your lives.

Warren & Liane Thiessen said...

Merry Christmas to you too! I'll be praying for you too...

- Liane

Anonymous said...

We travelled by plane with Madeline when she was 2.5 months (quite a bit older in the scheme of things, but still quite young). I would always feed her during either take off or landing -- that way if her ears bothered her, then she was already doing the sucking and the swallowing to make her feel better. I think she was old enough to take a decongestant to help with her ears too, but James may still be too little. But we always do the Dimetapp whenever we fly with our kids. I actually found it easier to travel than I expected b/c we made the feeding happen on the plane so I was free to roam at the airport. Hope it goes well!!!

-Me- said...

Hi Heather! It was so good to be reminded that God answers prayers in His timing, not ours! I needed to be reminded of that I think!!! I know you will do a great job on your trip, and everything will work out great!!!I hope you guys enjoy your trip so much, and Happy Holidays!! Its amazing the things that God can do in a year, isn't it!

Domestic Bloggess said...

Palmer and I just flew to Winnipeg a month and a half ago and we weren't allowed to feed to help his ears during take off and landing.

I had to hold him upright over my shoulder when the seatbelt light was on. That was Westjet, so maybe it's different with other airlines. I hope so, because that'd make it soooo much easier.

I felt like everyone was annoyed with me when he started crying, but a flight attendant told me to ignore them, he was just doing what babies do. That made me feel better.

Sending good flying thoughts your way!

Janelle said...

hey sweetie! thanks for the phone call last nite! wish i would have been home, i would have LOVED to talk to you!!! i'll try to call you sometime soon!! :)
i'm so excited to see where God has brought you in the last year. it's amazing - and gives me Hope.
love ya.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Well my dear I will be thinking about you and praying for you lots when you go. What an emotional season for you.
Glad the swing is working better now and that he seems to be getting a bit more sleep. Sure was good to see you on Tuesday.

Amber said...

What a celebration bringing in the New Year will be this year. God is is cool to see where he has brought you and what He has blessed you with this past year.

I'll be praying for you as you travel. The good thing is you are not flying by yourself - Ryan will be there with you. Yes, it will be an adventure (as most excursions with a baby are...) but he will be there for you to hold up blankets while you nurse or help you with whatever. I know you'll do great!

Drea said...

Glad all is well :-)
Cant type much you know how it is. Plus add taking care of a 2 yr old haha

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog' you inspire me i grew up in a christian home but have grown away from it' but people like you make me belive there are sincere poeple in the church thanks for sharing your story and life