Monday, December 4

Miss You Guys

Hey everyone! I just wanted to say that I miss you guys - and reading about what's going on in your lives, and hearing your comments about things going on in my life. HOWEVER, I am loving my job as a new mom. I can't tear myself away from my little gift from God - he is just beautiful. So, as much as I am missing you, I am happy and we are doing well. I am taking better care of myself, and I am noticeably feeling much better. I do wonder how I am going to get back into my old jeans though! Any tummy toning tips for me? James has finally gotten his days and nights figured out - so instead of being up every hour at night, we are only up two times. That is really nice! He had a big shower at his grandma Kroeker's on Sunday, and we received many beautiful gifts. Thank you to all those who could be there. This week we are just going to hide away at home and relax. In a few weeks we leave on vacation, so I'm hoping we will be ready to go by then. We are much looking forward to the vacation, and daddy will be there to help us for the full two weeks! Yay! Talk to you all very soon. God bless you - and I'll try to post some new pictures soon.


Stacey said...

You know, it's so smart of you to just relax, and lay low. I was up on stage singing with the worship team in church a week and a half after Rowan was born. I don't think that helped me at all!

Melanie said...

WOW! Up only twice a night! That must be wonderful for all of you!

Enjoy snuggle time with James! Isn't it the best?

Nin said...

I've been coming here often, wondering how you're doing. Oddly enough I was blessed to see the same ol' post, because I knew it meant you were far too busy being a wonderful mommy and enjoying your beatiful boy to update us blogger folk. I fully understand the calls of motherhood, and those calls come first.... I felt bad for not updating people for a while at first, I just couldn't find the time to sit down and write, and when I did have the time, there were so many other things to do. thanks for the update, I'm soooooooo blessed to hear you're doing do well. You deserve your upcoming vacation, I hope it blesses you and your hubby beyond belief.

Drea said...

Im glad your relaxing. Best thing you can do right now. I often wonder how ill do w/ this baby comes... Unlike the 1st baby... Having the 2nd one is different because you cant just relax while that baby sleeps... you have to be a mom to your other child during those times as well. That will be hard to balance :-\
But Im sure I can do it.

Tummy advice, teehee.
Well yes its a shock I think after giving birth just how loose things seem. You may lay in bed some nights and think "will it ever be flat?"

For me my stomach did go back.
With a few added stretch marks of course... but its overall shape was flat.

The thing that worked for me was Windsor Pilates. You can buy the DVDS on I'm sure.
It was EXTREMELY difficult to do these workouts at 1st... because your ab muscles are so torn after giving birth. But after a few weeks of doing that dvd I could tell a huge difference!

I did get back into my old jeans, and smaller to be honest.
Just take your time!

Gina said...

Glad to hear you are relaxing and getting a little more sleep at night!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you again!

I had LOTS of baths after having Madeline (3 a day), and while I was in the tub I'd do the following (so it was really like I wasn't exercising at all, b/c I was laying in the tub! You can also do this while watching tv or whatever...):

I'd do a kegel and hold it, then I'd squeeze my abdominal muscles all the way up, then I'd release the kegel slowly and then slowly release my abdominal muscles.

I don't know if it did LOTS, but I'm sure it did something. I'm pretty sure this is one of the exercises on Kathy Smith's pregnancy aerobics tapes.

Also, I bought a dvd called Post-Natal Pilates. I didn't do it tonnes, but I love this lady's Pre-Natal Pilates, so you might want to check it out.

Just give yourself time...

Wenona said...

Glad to hear things are going well for your family, Heather!
I would be so excited to be getting ready for your vacation! (but lots more stuff to remember to bring, huh?) God bless!

Warren & Liane Thiessen said...

I miss your posts too, but I'm sure James is a 1000 times more entertaining! Enjoy the time while he is little!


Christy said...

Miss you too Heather! Glad you are enjoying that little guy! They are so much fun.

In regards to the flat stomach. I never had one so I definatly didn't have one after my son. I did lose weight once I had him but gained some before this pregnancy. It just takes time I suppose. I never stressed about it because I knew the stress marks and dough belly were signs that I was able to have a baby and what a miracle that is! You will be back to normal before you know it!

Jobina said...

I'm so glad to hear that you're doing well and enjoying your time at home with your little bundle of joy! Try not to feel the pressure to fit back in those old jeans. Motherhood changes not only our weight, but can also change our body shapes! I didn't get into my prepregnancy size till I had 2 kids and 5 years to work on it! And I still don't have a nonjelly tummy! Hips spread and skin stretches, just give it time and try not to worry. Remember that every stretch mark and every bit of tummy gave you a beautiful baby boy...somehow it makes it all worth it!

Janelle said...'s been 20 months & i'm not even CLOSE to being in my old jeans!! :)
but like i've said - this "walking away the lbs" is awesome...

Trev and Rebekah said...

It was good to see you at the shower on Sunday. You got a lot of cute things.
I am glad that you are able to sleep a bit better at night. Let's hope that stays that way with the flight and vacation.
Don't worry about the tummy, it will shrink back in time.