Thursday, December 28

Phew! We Made It!

Hello from Maui, Hawaii everyone! We made it! You guys must have prayed hard, because everything went incredibly well. There were a few stressful moments - 2 hour delay inVancouver, missed connecting flight from Honolulu to Maui, getting onto different flight, lost passports somewhere in between... but we're here, and it is lovely. James was a star traveller - sleeping almost the whole time. He had one landing where his ears seemed to be bothering him, but other than that he did perfect! So far things are great here. The weather is lovely, and I feel mostly happy and relaxed. Things "down there" are still giving me some discomfort though, so I'm hoping that clears up in the next day or two - or else I may have to go see a doctor. How is everyone doing? How was your Christmas? Here is a picture for you... see you soon! Aloha! Oh, you can check out where we are staying here.

James & I on our "lanai" (balcony).

P.S. James has had a few instances of projectile spit up (this has happened 2 or 3 times in the past 2 weeks). Should I be very concerned? He is generally a spitter-upper, but these bigger ones worry me.


Unknown said...

Ok. I'm officially jealous.

Domestic Bloggess said...

You guys looks adorable! A perfect fit I'd say. Glad to hear the trip went well!

I wouldn't worry about the projectile unless he seems really bothered by it. But consult your doc if you're really worried like I was at first with Palmer. Our doc said so long as he was putting on weight, nothing to worry about.

Enjoy the rest of your trip ... you look relaxed already!


Kimberley said...

So glad everything went well. Hope you guys have an amazing time and that soon you start to feel better too!

Wenona said...

Awww! So glad that you had a safe trip down to Hawaaii. I definately was praying for you!
And James is getting cuter every day! Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

Renee Shaw said...

wow I'm also jealous!! I'd love to be there again...I'v been to Hawaii twice, but always to Ohau.

I agree with Nicole not to worry about the puking. If he's gaining weight and doesn't seem hungry right after he pukes it's just fine...he might just be overeating! lol I think my son did that but he never puked, he just kept the extra weight! So now he's 11 months and weighs like 25 pounds...not that fun to carry around! Anyway enjoy your trip and I'll looking forward to seeing more posts from your trip!

Jamie said...

Yay - an update! I'm so glad you guys made it OK. It must be nice to be outside and just dress James in a onesie!

As for the spit-up, Micah was a HUGE spitter-upper. I've seen worse, but he was pretty bad. Some babies just are. I had to change his clothes several times a day whereas Keziah can sometimes wear the same thing two days in a row! I'm not sure if he was just an over-eater or if he had reflux problems, but we never did anything about it and eventually he grew out of it. If James has only done it a few times, then it's probably not a big deal as long as he seems happy and content as usual :)

Anyway, have a wonderful time and post more pictures when you can!!

Anonymous said...

Soak up some sun for me...
I hope you enjoy the moments with your babe.. puke and all....
I wouldn't know any advice, but ... grab a towel. Sorry.
Miss you,

Christy said...

Ahhhh I love that picture! He is so cute!

Tristan was a major puker and I was concerned at first too because it seemed like he was puking up so much. But my doctor reassured me that it's looks like more than it actually is! I wouldn't worry too much and enjoy Hawaii! Do you guys go there to holiday every year? Do you have family there? I must say I am jealous too but happy that you get to relax and enjoy yourself!

Becky said...

Add me to the list of jealous friends.

I have no advice with regards to the puking. Ben only ever did that when he was sick/feverish.

Merry Christmas!!

Drea said...

Great photo of you two! so pretty
you look great.

The projectile spitups.
Thats odd to me if he is breastfed. If he was bottle fed Id say he is either "getting to much iron or something in the formula" or "Getting to much formula period"
I remember the few times Caleb would projectile spit up it was due to him eating to much. That and the Dr. said his formula may have to much iron in it that his body was rejecting it (so we switched formulas and that fixed things).

But yea I would just keep an eye on it. If its not "green" your probably okay :-)
Enjoy your trip! Wish I could be there lol. Its cold and depressing here in Northern Ohio.

Melanie said...

I'm a wee bit jealous! Well, I hope that you have an enjoyable and relaxing time in Hawaii. It must be nice to get out in the warm climates.

As for James projectile puking, I worried like crazy with my daughter at that age... she spit up so much I called Health Links several times and they calmly provided information to me that helped alleviate the stress. If James is happy, gaining weight, and all of that, there's no need to worry.

By the way, "projectile" vomit is when it goes clear across the room - my daughter spit up LOTS but never with that much force. Just like Jamie's Micah, I couldn't keep my baby in the same clothes for very long. It was either the spit-up on the front or the explosive poop all the way up the back. FUN....

Janelle said...

look at 2 of my favorite babes enjoying the warm weather - i am TOTALLY jealous!! invite me next time k?? :)
i'm so glad the flights went well! hopefully all of the passport stuff got figured out! wow - what a trip.
as for the spit up - every Dr. always told me it was just due to Kamryn getting too much food (not always a bad thing) and it had no where else to go. they always told me not to worry. so, like everyone else has said - only if he is losing weight do you have to worry. he's just got such a tiny tummy & we try to stuff so much into it them. sometimes they are just FED up! haha...
love ya babe.

Jobina said...

That lanai looks like heaven! Enjoy!
Projectile vommiting...both my kids did that, one was a bottlefed, one breastfed. I panicked about it at first but was told that as long as it looked like what they just ate it was fine. They suggested I try to help them burp more often during feedings. Sometimes easier said than done:)

Trev and Rebekah said...

Sure it good to hear from you. I just got back from feeding your cats.
As for the projectile...don't worry about it unless it becomes more consistent. I would talk to you Dr. about it when you get home.
We are praying for you two.

Warren & Liane Thiessen said...

You two look great!

RLE said...

Wow! You guys look great and the setting looks amazing! James sure is a handsome boy. Enjoy your vacation!

becky said...

What a great picture of the two of you! Enjoy your time away.